Monday, January 21, 2008

We Are Not Sheep

Black folks in America, and especially the South, are not sheep. Contrary to popular media belief. On this day of celebration of the life MLK, Jr., I am tired, tired, tired of the news stories, both local and national, about black folks voting for Obama because he is black. Not because he is intelligent, qualified, determined, not the old guard, optimistic, inclusive, calling for change, daring to hope instead of giving us the same old rhetoric. Nope. America prefers to believe that the only thing black folks care about is getting a black person as president- no matter what. Hmmm.

No one EVER questions whether white folks vote for someone simply because they are white. I guess white folks in America are above this, and would of course vote for a non-white if they were the right person. It happens all the time, right? Yeah, right. If that were the case, Strom Thurmond would not have managed to have one of the longest running careers in the United States Senate- the man who filibustered for 24 hours on the House floor against desegregation. But I digress. There are no news stories about whether or not McCain's win in South Carolina last weekend is because he is white. I guess that's because every one of his opponents in the republican race is a white male. Business as usual. But no one ever questions that.

Instead, I am subjected to query after query about the black vote getting behind Obama. And these media folks are serious. I should be hoarse by now from shouting at the television, just between the hours of six and seven alone. You would think that I would turn the damn thing off. I keep hoping that someone is going to call folks on their shit, and get a real dialogue going.

To the majority folks in America in charge of the media, I am standing in the middle of my living room screaming:

WE ARE NOT SHEEP!!!!!!!!!!

Do not assume that we can be herded or corralled.
Do not assume that we are not individuals.
Do not assume that we are non-thinking folks.
Do not assume that we are easily led.
Do not assume that we have forgotten this country's history.
Do not assume that we don't want change as much as our white neighbors.

Don't sleep on Barack Obama or in ten months you'll be doing stories on his "sudden" rise to power because all you can focus on right now is his race.

And we black folks will be shaking our heads at the continued arrogance and ignorance of the white males in power in this country.

Oh yeah, and we (along with all the white folks who vote for him) will be having the house party of the century. (Or should I say White House party?)



Dera Williams said...

Amen Sistah! I couldn't have said it any better.

Southern Diva said...

Thanks Dera. When is the media going to start discussing what is truly important to people in this country?

Yasmin said...

Yes I'm feeling you! And now when folks ask me why am I voting for Barack, I respond with a questions...Why are you voting for your candidate. Shuts most folks up real quick!
Okay but hmmm can we talk about Obama and that Reagan comment...are you going to blog about that...hehe.
Oh yeah and what's the issues website that you told me about...I need to refer someone to it but I forgot to bookmark it.

Anonymous said...

Quoting this blog:

WE ARE NOT SHEEP!!!!!!!!!!

Do not assume that we can be herded or corralled.
Do not assume that we are not individuals.
Do not assume that we are non-thinking folks.
Do not assume that we are easily led.
Do not assume that we have forgotten this country's history.
Do not assume that we don't want change as much as our white neighbors.

I would say that it matters not what race a person is since this statement applies to everyone when it comes to what the media presents. They are only interested in trying to get under people's skin and they couldn't care less what color it is. I am sure there are some people who are cheering that the media is making race an issue. The media has gotten to them as well. And I don't think the media gives a #@&% about individuals. Their agenda is to get people's attention through controversy and sensationalism. It won't stop either if people continue to give it the attention it so wrongly deserves. People eat up controversy and drama through reality shows, entertainment, sports, science, you name it. I for one won't pay the shepards any attention when they call. Maybe that does make me a sheep, only a black one.

vickiwe said... know the old saying, "When you assume you make an ass - out of -u- and -me!

The sad thing is, they still don't know us, don't want to know us and probably never will.

Anonymous said...

You are definitely hitting your mark here. If I read one more article about Obama being "black enough," one more person saying they won't vote for him because he's Black and will be assassinated, or one more person saying "Vote for the Black guy," I'll scream. I was hip to Obama before he was popular and voted for him this past Saturday in the primary election, and it wasn't because he was Black. Hell, Condoleeza Rice is Black too, and I wouldn't vote for her if you paid me to.

Yasmin said...

I heard that about Condi...and can we add Alan Keyes or Lynn Swann...just because someone is black doesn't mean they get an automatic PASS!

Southern Diva said...

It's gonna take some folks some time to realize that we are part of the fabric of this county- shit, we weaved the fabric of this county.

Southern Diva said...

Shamntiel and Yas,
I've got a post I've been thinking about for a while that hits on Condi. You guys have just given me renewed inspiration for that one. Look for it soon.

Yasmin said...

Don't forget the Condi post1