Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fear and Loathing in Ohio

Ok, so Mr. Lover Lover and I watched the debates last night. He kept shushing me when Barack was speaking and I would make comments. He didn't seem to mind so much when it was Hillary that I was talking over. Anywho, the debate served as our entertainment for the night.

My impressions:

-Hillary is running scared. She can't seem to get her footing right now.

-Barack is getting more polished, more in control by the day. He is looking less like an upstart to Hillary and her pals and more like the guy who is going to steamroll his way into the White House.

I read a great op-ed piece on this morning by Maureen Dowd. She writes:

The fact that Obama is exceptionally easy in his skin has made Hillary almost jump out of hers. She can’t turn on her own charm and wit because she can’t get beyond what she sees as the deep injustice of Obama not waiting his turn. Her sunshine-colored jackets on the trail hardly disguise the fact that she’s pea-green with envy.

After saying she found her “voice” in New Hampshire, she has turned into Sybil. We’ve had Experienced Hillary, Soft Hillary, Hard Hillary, Misty Hillary, Sarcastic Hillary, Joined-at-the-Hip-to-Bill Hillary, Her-Own-Person-Who-Just-Happens-to-Be-Married-to-a-Former-President Hillary, It’s-My-Turn Hillary, Cuddly Hillary, Let’s-Get-Down-in-the-Dirt-and-Fight-Like-Dogs Hillary.

Just as in the White House, when her cascading images and hairstyles became dizzying and unsettling, suggesting that the first lady woke up every day struggling to create a persona, now she seems to think there is a political solution to her problem. If she can only change this or that about her persona, or tear down this or that about Obama’s. But the whirlwind of changes and charges gets wearing.

By threatening to throw the kitchen sink at Obama, the Clinton campaign simply confirmed the fact that they might be going down the drain.

Read the piece in it's entirety. Quite entertaining.

Happy Hump Day


Yasmin said...

Happy Hump Day and thanks for sharing. I watched the debates last night and agree with your thoughts...I also thought the debates were tame last night. Not so much mud-slinging...althought Hillary tried...and she's right her jokes and sarcasm don't go ova well or work so she needs to quit it.

Anonymous said...

LOL I had to laugh out loud at the Sybil comment- you summed it up perfectly.

Southern Diva said...

Yas and Choklaterain- Hillary is tripping me out. I hope she gets it together before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

I hope so too, my other half said she just being a woman. I don't know whether I should be offended by that statement or not but truth be told, she's acting like a woman.

Southern Diva said...

LOL. Just like a man. Seriously though, I do wish that she would tone it down a bit.