Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Can be a biyatch! There are times when I feel like I am constantly seeking my muse. I want and need it, like a Calgon moment,and yet it seems to dry up and wither. And then there are times when I am so busy I don't know if I am coming or going and the channels to my muse open up and I get hit with a tidal wave of ideas and don't know where to start. These days,I swear, I have ideas coming at me left and right. It's like something inside my mind and my soul has been freed up and all that I was seeking has decided to make its presence known- RIGHT NOW. And I just need two more weeks to clear my plate so that I can dive in.

Except it doesn't work that way in real life. I know that two weeks from now when I sit down and open myself up completely I'll get nothing. And I won't be able to remember all the things that were competing for my time and attention a few weeks ago.

So, I am resorting to list making and journaling to keep myself on track. My creative "to do" list is getting long, and I am very excited about that. I am trying to finish up my "busy" work with the man, so that I can get to my "real" work.

I have always believed in the law of attraction, but didn't see how it was manifesting in my life. That's because I was expending so much energy dealing with bullshit that I was attracting more bullshit. Now that my focus and energy are on positive, self-fulfilling tasks, I am attracting things that are positive and self-fulfilling. Ain't that something. LOL


Yasmin said...

Now that my focus and energy are on positive, self-fulfilling tasks, I am attracting things that are positive and self-fulfilling. Ain't that something. LOL

So true and I needed to read this today because lawd knows I've been in a half empty 'tude rather than a half full mood...but then gurl having a 13 year DIT can take you kids they are a GOOD FORM OF BIRTH Thank God I found my mind after having two...hehe.

Southern Diva said...

Hang in there Yas. You know I feel your pain. Our girls were born just two weeks apart. UGH!!! We are gonna party like rock stars in five years.