Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Letter to Obama

Dear Barack,

It's been a rough couple of weeks for you. I have been watching things very closely. I have been calling folks on their shit left and right. So in all fairness, I have to sit down and have a heart to heart with you.

I know that you are getting your hustle on in this presidential race while I sit at home on my computer ranting and raving on your behalf. I know that you are out there delivering your message of hope, shaking hands and kissing babies. I know that you have been saying from the very beginning that we need to be a nation that overlooks no one. I know that conservatives are people too, and we need to include them in the new political order. I understand all of that.

But, RONALD WILSON REAGAN? How could you? This man was no friend to low-income families, minorities, anybody not a good ole' boy of his. The rich got richer, the poor got pissed on, and the "war" on drugs was on and popping. (Which simply resulted in the increased incarceration of users as opposed to these folks receiving treatment- but I digress.) The list of social and political atrocities during the Reagan era is long, and I don't have that kind of time.

I'm going to charge it to you head, and not your heart. You got caught up in the presidential game. You were trying to walk your talk of inclusion. You got the support of the conservative newspaper that you were seeking. OK. But please get this, those folks are not your friends. They are sitting back waiting on you and Hillary to finish each other off- which gives them plenty of ammunition to use in the general election. Please, please, please leave Reagan where he lies. That comment is going to haunt you for quite a while, but I will see you through.

This is not a show-stopper in terms of our relationship, but we can't go down this road again without some consequences and repercussions.

Your biggest supporter,


Yasmin said...

I LOVE IT...and I wonder if Michelle thumped him upside his head for that remark...oh you know I would have ripped Rick a new a-hole, kiss and made up and sent him back out there on the trail...BUT his arze better not pull that ish again.
I'm a ride or die chick...but Obama when you talk about CHANGE...you got to be willing to stand by what you believe. Don't just talk about it...be about it.
Now if it takes using Reagan to get an endorsement then I might as well jump ship now...because Reagan didn't do a dayum thang for BLACK PEOPLE.
Hell the only reason MLK's birthday became a holiday under him is because Congress threatened to veto his vote!
That man meant black folks no good...but God meant it for good.
So focus on the Almighty and to hell with Reagan...his dead arze can't do anything but haunt you!

Southern Diva said...

LOL. Leave it to you Yas to hit the nail on the head. That was a bad move on Obama's part.

Yasmin said...

Gurl...mentioning Obama and Reagan in the same breathe makes my blood pressure rise...hehe.