Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Where in the World is Condoleezza Rice?

Have you seen her?
Tell me have your seen her? (thank you Chi-Lites for that back-in-the-day moment)

LOL. Some days I just crack myself up.

But seriously, where is she?

This woman has been kept out of the country for some time. I understand that it's her job as Secretary of State to be out and about, but damn. You've got to come home and recharge your battery sometime.

Here are just a few thoughts I have about Condoleezza:

She has been characterized at times by some black folks as the ultimate sell out. And she is touted by “them” as a rare breed: the Republican party symbol of inclusiveness. In other words, the Republicans are saying: “See, we accept you. We have one of your best and brightest in our camp. We can’t be all bad.” Uh huh.

What I see when I look at Condi (and I hope she doesn’t mind if I call her Condi) is a woman with and abundance of intelligence, a woman who believes in hard work and doing a job well, a woman who held on to her idealism so long that she really started to believe that she could bring about change from within. And that is when the trouble began.

When she truly became a blip on the national radar, there was a twinkle in her eyes. I used to say to myself, “Self- we may actually see something different from those folks.” Unlike Condi, I didn’t hold onto my idealism that long. About five minutes to be exact. Now when I see Ms. Rice, I see a sista hanging in there to get the job done, in spite of the fact that she is not only smarter than her boss, but the majority of his management team as well. You can tell that she now sees the party as they really are: the Emperor and his entire court are booty ass naked. You know this because light has gone out her eyes.

Where is she, and how does she feel about her boss and the current state of affairs in her country? What are her plans for life after Bush? You know he's never going to leave his wife. (I'm just kidding ya'll, I couldn't resist). What are her plans after the end of the Bush Administration? I wonder what she will say in her tell all memoirs. How come she's not on anybody's radar these days? As usual, I have more questions than answers.

What do ya'll think about Condi? Is she a misguided pawn of the Bush administration, or was she fully aware of the "politics" involved from day one? Talk to me. It's lonely in here!


Michael Horvath said...

Been reading your blogs and I like seeing someone "put it out there'. Pretty unique writing style. As far as Condoleezza goes, if she was all that as you write in the beginning, then how could she be misguided? She has an agenda that I am sure will come out once Bush is out of office.

Yasmin said...

You know he's never going to leave his wife. (I'm just kidding ya'll, I couldn't resist).

rotflmao...stop but sis girlfriend has always has an agenda...she's too intelligent not her boyfriend he's as dumb as they come...but he's proof that even in America an idiot can grow up to be president...sigh!

Southern Diva said...

I really want to stick my head in the sand about the Condi. I don't know. I just want to believe that an intelligent woman flying up the ranks in a republican administration was doing it for the greater good. I know, I know, I just didn't want to believe she was the female Clarence Thomas.

Thanks for checking my out and dropping me a line. I appreciate it.

Southern Diva said...

I swear, you have the best zingers. LOL