Thursday, June 5, 2008

Here We Go Again...

The first three and a half months of this year, I was in the gym on the regular. And then things changed for me professionally, and my exercise regimen got kicked to the curb.

As of tomorrow, I'm at it again. My plan is to lose 15 pounds by July 31st. I've got to give myself a deadline or it won't ever happen. Why 15 pounds? Because that will get me to the weight on my driver's license, which I haven't been for the last six years or so. Sigh.

Alas, running won't be a part of the plan right now. My left calf has decided to act like a byatch, and my left shin is sort of cranky. The jerks. At least my right hamstring has decided to act right. Who knew all these body parts would object to running at once. LOL

Anyway, I'm keeping it simple for the stupid (namely me). As of tomorrow, I intend to walk our bridge (which has a pedestrian path, as well as a bike path) EVERYDAY for the next six weeks. The walking path on the bridge is like 2.75 miles one way. Yeah- I know. But what can you do. Maybe my body is acting bitchy because it's tired of carrying these extra pounds. Sigh. I will also do yoga or Pilates every other day to stay limber and get in some good stretching. I'll get back in the gym for strength training the first of August. 'Cause once a sista drops the weight, she better tone the rest of it up. LOL

Why walking, you ask? Because it's easy. Seriously, it's as simple as that. And with my iPod, I'm in heaven. Music or podcasts- it don't matter to me. Whoever came up with the idea for that fabulous device should be crowned King (or Queen) of the World!!! (At least for a day).

Anybody out there got any tips for entertaining myself for about an hour+ a day in a portable way- holla at me.


Evelyn said...

Good luck on your weight loss goas. Why is it not as easy to shed the pounds as it is to put them on??? ;-)

I have a tip for you. I was also walking for weight loss, but when I added weight training to my routine, it really helped to both accelerate the weight loss and sculpt the bod at the same time.



Southern Diva said...

Hey Evelyn,
thanks for that tip. I know I need to do some weights, I just get impatient with the process. I want the weight off and toned right now, even though it took a while to put it on. LOL

BTW, my hour and twenty minute exursion on the bridge on Friday only resulted in a freakin' migraine that I still have today because at 7:30, it was hot and humid already in this crazy little town. Tomorrow, it's back into the air conditioned gym for me. LOL

Anonymous said...

Diva great goal to have, but.....don't get me started on the gym goal you have of waiting until august to head to the gym. Why wait? It is too hot down here. Go to the gym and walk the treadmill or do the eliptical for 30 minutes, then lift weights for 30 minutes. Evelyn is exactly right, it will help you shed the pounds faster and tone at the same time as opposed to waiting 2 months to start a weight routine. You are adding months to your goals rather than tackling it head on and reaching your goal by July.

Anonymous said...

Oops, meant to leave my name. Anonymous is ChaCha of course! LOL!!!

Unknown said...

hey good luck to you on this journey. I too in the beginning of this year had about 15lbs to lose by May, lost it, went on a cruise, sported a lil one piece #, and got my Stella back.

my advice go to: my page is chayes1107

Good Luck!

Southern Diva said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I did pretty good this week.