Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More Nasty Natti Out-takes

Ok ya'll, I gave Obama a separate post, but I could not let this day go by without giving you more true stories from The Natti Travels.

So, it's 5:19 this morning and I'm in a van being shuttled to the airport to begin my journey back to ChuckTown. Things start off innocently enough- two white males and myself being driven by a very talkative Cincinatti driver (white male) originally from New Jersey. It's cool. I'm good at tuning people out. Until he began to go into his verbal dissertation about why OJ Simpson is innocent. Uh- what the fuck? All I know is he started out talking about meeting his ex-wife at the grocery store, and the next thing I heard, was why OJ did not kill Nicole and how the forensics proved it and they didn't even need a trial. Stop laughing. I wish that my imagination were as good as the real life shit I come across. I really do. Of course there was dead silence in the van. What could anyone say. Funny thing is, the guy didn't even notice. Just went on to the next subject.

And then I get to Charlotte. I made for the restroom near my gate 'cause I needed to go. I'm taking a whiz when this booming voice announces:

"Good morning ladies. My name is Miss Mae and I'm the person who is responsible for keeping this restroom clean. I just wanted to ask that while ya'll are in the sky on those planes and traveling around, ya'll just remember Miss Mae and how hard she works. Ya'll have a good day."

So I finish my business and start washing my hands. And I notice that once again, aside from Miss Mae, I am the only person of color present. I looked around and noticed that indeed this restroom is one of the cleanest public restrooms I've been in. Hmmm. So, as I walked by Miss Mae, I told her thank you, and wished her a good day as well. And as I made my way to my gate, I offered up a prayer of blessings for Miss Mae 'cause all she wanted was someone to notice her hard work.

I think I am going to get my best material from airports, hotels, and restaurants. I'm just saying.

Anyway, holla at a sista when you get a chance.


Yasmin said...

"Good morning ladies. My name is Miss Mae and I'm the person who is responsible for keeping this restroom clean. I just wanted to ask that while ya'll are in the sky on those planes and traveling around, ya'll just remember Miss Mae and how hard she works. Ya'll have a good day."

rotflmao...gurl are you sure Ms. Mae didn't want a tip...hehe.
And hmm the taxi driver...touched and NOT by an angel...hehe.

Welcome home!

Southern Diva said...

ROTFLMAO! Yas- that thought never even crossed my mind. Hmmmmm.