Wednesday, September 24, 2008

List Making

I am in a snit for several reasons. I'm PMSing. I haven't been writing like I want and need to because of work. My favorite jeans are a little snug. The tree in my front yard needs some serious pruning. I have a thirteen year old daughter. Since my thoughts are all over the place, I'll just give you a list of things on my mind.

Things that are pissing me off:
1. This screwed up economy and the need for a huge bailout.
2. The fact that George Bush is reading a speech to me right now.
3. Elizabeth Hasselbeck on The View.
4. Mean Girl behavior by 13 year olds who know nothing about life.
5. The fact that it will be getting dark earlier, even though I love fall.

Things that I am grateful for:
1. DIT and The Man and my friends. (Yes, she makes both lists- lol)
2. Books and reading.
3. Writing.
4. The new fall television season.
5. Freedom of speech.

I did two lists because I believe in the yin and yang of things. I am trying to ensure that I have balance. If I'm going to complain, then I need to express gratitude for the positive things in my life. At least, that is my plan.

What are you pissed about? And what are you grateful for?


Anonymous said...

1. Po'd that I am going to have to backtrack and take down about 30 "Impeach for Peace" links from my blogs...cause it ain't gonna happen!

2.Grateful that we'll get some new leadership soon who, hopefully, will make some serious changes at least in the beginning.

3. Po'd that my laptop fried.

4. Grateful I have two other computers.

5. Grateful for the best Hubby in the World who adores me despite my rantings and ravings...and that just makes everything better.

Southern Diva said...

LOL- Laurel. I love the Impeach for Peace idea. I too am looking forward to this election being over and the country moving forward. Sorry to hear about your laptop- that definitely sucks. Good thing you have backups. And thumbs up to your good man.