Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I'm loving this work from home thing. Meetings a couple of times a week, lots of conference calling and email. It's freakin' fabulous. Except when I have to change my schedule.

I'm not so good on the flexibility thing. Never have been. It's a wonder that I've made it these 41 years without major incident. I want what I want, when I want it. Sound like a toddler? Then you've got me pegged.

It's just that once I write something in my agenda, or log it in my Crackberry, I don't want any changes. (An yes, I still use paper- Damn it!) Yesterday during lunch and between meetings, I planned out what I was going to do for the rest of the week- especially today. It involved lots of housecleaning stuff. I won't bore you with the details. And by 6:00 pm I got a call from director of the program I consult for asking me to take care of a critical issue for her. Yes, it is much easier for me to handle since I am in the state. Yes, I get paid for every minute I talk to someone about work, let alone actually work, but see, I had these housecleaning plans, and I really don't need any excuse not to do housework.

Sigh, so, one thing led to another, and I found myself having to scrap the plans for today all together.

I know at this point you are probably wondering what the hell I'm whining about, I can just reschedule the cleaning for tomorrow. Yeah, but tomorrow was supposed to be a fun reading day for me, and Friday was going to be all about me wandering the library and bookshelves. The weekends belong to The Man 'cause DIT is gone for the summer.

Hard life, I know. Actually, I'll probably just end up working and writing. And to be honest, that is really not a bad thing. Two things I am really enjoying right now.

Got to jet for a conference call in two minutes. Anybody with flexibility issues out there, hit me up. We can commiserate together.


Yasmin said...

Hmmm...and you're going to clean the house when...rotflmao.

Southern Diva said...

Umm- I'ma do it this weekend. LOL