Monday, June 2, 2008

On The Road Again...

So, once again I'm traveling. This week, I'm in Cincinatti. Some interesting things have happened to me on my way to Cinci. I'll just share a few.

First of all, in the Charleston Airport, the guy serving me at the ticket counter pulls up my info and says "So, you are heading to the Nasty Natti". WTF? I simply said "Excuse me?" seeing as I've never heard it called that before. The young male just gets a wistful look on his face as if to say he's had some times in Cincinatti that will stay in Cincinatti, but that he will never forget. I kindly thanked the dude, even though he was lost in his reverie, and moved on.

Leaving Charlotte, I ended up on the plane with the Flight Attendant from Hell. She yelled at the pilots (accused them of trying to kill us while they were backing up from the bay), yelled at a passenger whose phone went off while we were starting to taxi down the runway (she was actually stomping through cabin yelling "Whose phone is that?" like the meanest third grade teacher on the planet). The worst was when we were landing in Cincinatti and the pilot managed to make a smooth landing with that little commuter plane (hard to do in my book) and she yelled- "Hot damn! Not bad for his first time!" I kid you not. I wish I could make this shit up. Needless to say, the majority of the passengers couldn't wait to get off that plane. Thank goodness I was in row three. LOL

So when I get to the Millenium hotel, I'm given my room key and murmurings of have a good visit. No problem. Until I get to my room and the linen are all over the floor. The bed was stripped bare, and it looked like someone thought about making it back up but then decided not to and went on about their business. At this point, it was 10:45 and I was ready to get some shut eye. That happened in another room. To say I'm not impressed by this place is an understatement. I will no longer complain about that high ass room in B'More again. It was an oasis compared to this place. And the sad part is, the surrounding hotels aren't any better. I know because I have friends staying in several different ones and we each have major complaints. Ugh!

Again with the unhappy people! Even my friend Chanda, the optimistic Northerner noticed it. So there.

And why in the hell do all the downtown shops close at 6 and 7? WTF? You can't make money off the conventioners if you are not open when they are finished with their business. Just an FYI.

There has been one bright spot in Cinci (or Natti,or whatever you want to call this place)- the sista at the front desk who hooked me up with the internet. I won't print her name 'cause I ain't trying to get her in a fix. She has saved me from having to pay .20 a minute. Yep- that's exactly right. And who do you know spends less than 30 minutes at a time on the internet? Even my mother, who is 62, spends more time than that on the net on any given day. Sigh. So I am grateful to this diva, 'cause ya'll know how I feel about having to pay for the internet at these high priced joints, but was gonna bite the bullet 'cause my internet jones was getting to me. Plus, I got some stuff I need to do and it can't wait until I get home.

I'm sure I'll have more tales from the Natti. UGH!!! And that does not make me happy. LOL


Yasmin said...

U po' long are you in Nasty Natti...rotflmao.

Southern Diva said...

Girl, I was there from Sunday until early this morning. Not too impressed. LOL