Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex And The City...

This movie is for the following:

Fans of the television show
Fans of friendships
Fans of love
Fans of fashion (both good and bad- we all know Carrie has her moments)
Fans of the nude male body and a side shot of a hot bod's Johnson (what?! I only report the facts. I don't make this stuff up)
Fans of summer movies that are fun and entertaining and let you escape for a couple of hours

If you are not a fan of the items listed above, this may not be the movie for you.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Best Mother I Know

This is a hard question for me to answer because I consider most of the mothers I know to be excellent in their roles. As a matter of fact, it seems like I can applaud the efforts of almost every maternal person I know. But after much deliberation, I realized that as a single mother, I spend so much time bemoaning my shortcomings, I never pat myself on the back.

So, today, I would like to honor me.

I am not the modern day equivalent of June Cleaver. I don’t have warm cookies and a tall glass of cold milk waiting on my daughter when she gets home from school. As a matter of fact, until a few weeks ago, I was seldom home before my daughter got out of school. It’s kind of a hard thing to do when you are working full-time outside of the home.

My house, on any given moment, may or may not pass for “clean”. It most certainly never passes a white glove test. I hate, hate, hate dusting. Thank God for paper plates, cups, and plastic silverware. I’m just saying.

Cooking is not my forte’. Whoever decided that it was a good idea to put a cafeteria in the grocery store is a freakin’ genius. Many a meal was saved by the already prepared rotisserie chicken from Publix. And since my mother is the best cook I know, and only lives about ten miles away, it is not unheard of for me to request a To Go box for me and Diva In Training that I swing by and pick up on my way home. Mom happily obliges because she still cooks like she has five kids in the house. And DIT and I want to keep her happy.

What I am good at is putting my daughter’s needs first. That means making sure that she has all that she needs and a smidgen of what she wants. (Let’s face it, kids want A LOT these days).

I am my child’s biggest cheerleader. At a very early age, my child decided that she wanted to be an actress. Theater is her thing. And she is great at it. As a bookworm, geek, egghead, whatever you want to call me, I’ve held a very dim view of acting as a profession. The roles for African American women are still slim to none. But that’s another blog for another day. And then I saw my daughter perform for the first time. I was blown away. It truly is her calling. I would be remiss as her mother if I didn’t encourage her to live out her dreams. Come what may, I don’t want her life to be one of dreams deferred when the right words and attitude from me might have made the difference.

With unconditional love, just like other moms, I worry, fuss, complain, bargain, discipline, threaten, cajole, protect, nurture, and guide my child.

But for me, the one thing I do best as a mom is marvel at the possibilities that lie ahead for DIT. She knows that there are no parameters on what she can achieve. ‘Cause her Mama told her so.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


is almost over!!!!

Where the hell did the month go?

Where is my writing journal where I keep all of my notes and ideas?

Why am I feeling like I'm missing something (other than my notebook)?

Ok- it's been three weeks of self-employment, and I have to say, that I am really enjoying every minute of it, but I have got to get my ass organized or I'll become a hamster on that spinning little treadmill thing. UGH!

I'll be working out of The Man's house after next week. DIT will be gone for the summer, my brother (the college student) has set up base camp in my guest bedroom (read that as my OFFICE!) instead of going to my folks where he has a very large room. We are really close and I actually don't mind that much, but I really do need an office space in my home. That means that I will be spending most of my time at The Man's, as he has a great deck, flora, fauna, and water as his backyard. If that gets old, then I'm just three miles from the beach. I need to be out of my comfort zone (my sofa and my bedroom) so that I can get serious.

Anyway, I got a head start on my writing groove today. It was great. Now if I can just get motivated to do a MEGA WHITE GLOVE cleaning on my house, then everything would be groovy. Alas, you can't have it all.

PS- I miss having lunch with my friends. One of the downsides to working from home- veritable isolation (even if most of the time you secretly like it).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

An Obama Supporter

Ya'll know that I'm a blog lover, and one of the blogs that I read pretty frequently is Alisa Valdez Rodriguez's (author of Dirty Girls Social Club, Playing with Boys, Haters, and more). Anyway, she's not for the faint of heart. She can get real personal and very political. That's why I enjoy her blogs.

Check out her YouTube video in support of Obama.

Warning: the video is over 7 minutes long, starts out with loud Coltrane, and Alisa's own playing, but she then gets to the crux of the matter. Wait for it. I think you will find it very intriguing.

Holla back and let me know what you think.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Cooking by Dummies

So today, I went to the bookstore and bought a cook book. Let's face it, it's time to learn how to do something besides warm up already prepared food from the grocery store.

I came home, perused the cookbook, and picked out four main dishes for the week (ya'll know I'm not cooking on the weekends. I mean really!). I made a grocery list, and off the Publix I went. I found most things on the list. I was surprised.

Tonight, DIT and I had Caribbean Rice and shrimp, by way of Spanish rice. LOL. OK, so they didn't have the specific rice, but I used this preseasoned saffron rice. It was awesome. The girl wanted seconds, so I know I did good. And she ate her asparagus. Thirty minutes from start to table. I couldn't ask for anything more (except to maybe have come across this book five years ago-lol).

For dessert, we are having a cookie pie a la mode. A roll of chocolate chip cookie dough rolled out in a pie pan and baked for 15 minutes. Add ice cream and viola'! Yep. Even though I am challenged in the culinary department, I can do this stuff. LOL

The book: Simple and Delicious Cookbook by Taste of Home Books. (242 quick, easy recipes with everyday ingredients) Check it out if you need help in the kitchen. They even break the recipes down into 10, 20, and 30 minute categories.

What are you cooking tonight?

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Good Day

Bikini wax- check

Hour massage- check

Lunch with The Man (lobster ravioli or some other stuffed pasta)- check

Visit to the gourmet sweet shop for pralines and fudge- check

Movie with The Man (Iron Man-loved, loved, loved it!)- check

DIT calling dibs on the living room sofa for the rest of the night while she happily consumes her fast food- check

Book at the ready to snuggle up with for the rest of the evening- check

Looks like I had all the ingredients I needed for a great day. I hope you guys had a Happy Friday.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Ode to Running

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

I love the feeling of being one with nature. Uh, no. That's not it.

I love to sweat, and this is the best way for me to work up a good one. Um. No.

I love feeling like I can't breathe. Nope.

My rapid heartbeat makes me feel alive. Hell no.

There is nothing better in life than feet pounding on the pavement. Unh, unh.

I love how great it feels when I stop. HELL YES!!!

I haven't been running in a while. Getting back to it in the morning. DAYUM, DAYUM, DAYUM. What can I say, it'll keep my heart in good shape so that I don't die from my own laziness and bad habits. Now what to do about my love of McDonald's french fries and Coca Cola?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Politcal Op-Ed

I'm still on the Obama train. Too much to talk about most days. Check out this op-ed when you get a chance. I would say this is a pretty good breakdown of the current political landscape.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I was supposed to blogging today about how wonderful it is to be able to live out my dream. How on this third day of professional freedom, I have pounded out thousands of words, and my first work is moving along pretty well. I was going to announce that I have found my writing groove and all is well with the world.

Except, that ain't the truth. Or at least not all of it. All is well with my world. I could be in a much different place. Third floor office with a spectacular view of the parking garage while my co-workers torment me with their egoism and narcissistic behaviors to no end. I could still be there, but I'm not. And I am truly grateful.

Of course, I spent Monday and Tuesday on the road and in meetings for my consulting gig. I marveled at the warm welcome I got where ever I went. It was heady to say the least. I almost got caught up. Almost filled up my dance card for the rest of the month. And then I heard the voices of The Man and Cha reminding me that this opportunity is about me pursuing my dream. Not about me chasing the dollars. And thank goodness they did. I would have a fat bank account in a few months, but would still be wondering when I am going to find the time to do what my heart yearns to do- WRITE!

So today, after I got DIT off to school, and watched a couple of hours worth of recorded stuff on the dvr, and had lunch with the Divas I pulled out the laptop and got ready to write. I've had ideas bouncing around for weeks. But guess what. I froze. Couldn't get one word typed. I know where the story starts, I know what motivates the characters, I know the setting. I even, for once, know how it ends. But I froze.

I have to admit that I am afraid. I am afraid that it won't be good enough, that no one will like it, that it won't sell. I'm also afraid that it will be good enough, that everyone will like it, that it will sell. And folks will want me to do it again. So there you have it. That's my stuff for today. Blogging has been very cathartic for me. It's helped me get my ass in gear this year and focus on what I want out of life. God has given me an opportunity to pursue the dreams that I have talked and prayed about for years. The rest is on me.

Fear can be a good thing. If you use it the right way, you can examine your personal motivations in life. Do you want something bad enough to move through the fear? HELL YES!

Gotta go Divas. There is much writing to be done. I'll holla atcha tomorrow. I'll leave you with the sage words of Eminem:

Success is my only motherfuckin' option, failure's not.

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Over the past two to three years, Sunday evenings haven't always been relaxing for me. Quite the opposite actually. I would become anxious about the week to come. I'd begin thinking ahead and gearing up for the drama. I would try to anticipate the crazy before it actually happened based on how the week before went. Sometimes I got lucky and things weren't so bad. Most times not.

But that is all behind me. Today, when I realized that it was six o'clock (the usual "witching" hour for my anxiety)and my heart wasn't racing I remembered why. I am in the next phase of my professional life. Yay me. It feels really good knowing that I don't have to deal with crazy tomorrow.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I get to sit back and marinate. Nope. Tomorrow and Tuesday, I'll be in Columbia, and then on Wednesday, I get down and dirty with my writing. I'm nervous as hell, but looking forward to the challenge. I'm still going to be working my ass off, this time for myself, and with minimal drama. Now that's what I'm talking about.

To my peeps still back on the plantation: Keep your heads up. Things can and will be different.

I'm going to get back to my loafing. I've got to hit the ground running tomorrow and I need to be on my game to do that. More rest for me- mentally and physically.

Happy Sunday!