is my new secret obsession.
I can't stand Elisabeth Hasselbeck's repetitive statements concerning McCain and Palin. Girlfriend really needs to grow up and get a broader world view. She is like a broken record:
1. McCain was in the military and can be commander-in-chief
2. Palin has run Alaska, so she is qualified to be VP and possibly Madame P
3. Obama does not have experience to run the country and she is very dismissive and disrespectful of what he has accomplished
She is full of the same old, same old, but no rational substance.
Whoopi, Joy, and Barbara spend too much time coddling Elisabeth so that she doesn't feel "beat up" on, but then she is allowed to continue to spout the same crap day after day. Although, I have to say that Joy has been throwing out some zingers lately that have been really on point, and occasionally shut E.H. up (yay Joy!)
And Sherri- well, I just think she is just happy to be at the table.
Today, though, for the first time since the new season started, Barbara TRULY called Elisabeth out and asked her to explain why she thinks Palin is such a good pick. And you know what she did? She asked Barbara why Obama should be president. I could not believe the insolence! But good ole Babs did not let her off the hook, and she gave the same old reasons we have heard since Palin was announced as the VP choice for the Richpublicans.
Good television is like a good book for me- I may not like the characters or what is going on, but if you can elicit an emotional response from me, I'm hooked. And thusly, if I can't be on the sofa from 11-12 Mon- Fri, then I am recording it so that I can watch it later.
I wonder what are they going to talk about after the election. If you haven't seen it, check out
The View when you get a chance. LOL