Tuesday, October 7, 2008


That is the feeling I have been having all day after a very brief phone call with someone re: my new business venture.

Wow- I can't believe I am really moving forward.

I must be nuts to try and do this!

What happens if I fail?!

What happens if I never try?!

Fuck it- I've got to give it a shot!

So there you go. Still marching on. Actually starting to pick up some momentum.

OK- going back to my safe place to continue the freak out session, then gotta get in gear and do more stuff. LOL


Anonymous said...

Believe it! It's Awesome!

I must be nuts to try and do this! = Nope - how will you ever REALLY get ahead if you don't start your own business? (Waiting on all that Social Security to get you through your older days? Now THAT'S laughable).

What happens if I fail?! = If it fails, you've lost nothing. You had nothing before you started, if it fails, you'll still have nothing...perhaps a big tax write-off. (Remember, you get 5 years to show a profit).

What happens if I never try?! = You'll wonder why you are not truly happy in business, why you always have to slave for someone else and make them money when it's YOUR ideas and industriousness that is making the difference, and if you never try...you'll ALWAYS wonder, OR, someone else will "try" and succeed at the same thing and you'll always have regret.

Life is to short for regret, Diva! You know this. We KNOW you know this.

Don't forget to call on your friends for extra support, PR, elbow grease or anything else.

Do not expect people to come out of the woodwork offering to help becasue they "know" you are starting a new business and need help.

Remember to "ask" as for what you need. That's not because we don't care, it's only because we lead busy lives. We need email reminders and very specific requests.

Here's one for you...WHAT IF...

What if you start this business up, you make enough money to take care of your "own" AND enough to share and give back to the community?

Then...you will just be "happy". Yey!

Rock on, Diva. Never let anyone rob your of your dreams. The hardest door to get through is your own!

Southern Diva said...

Hey Laurel,
As usual, you are always on point! And this is exactly what I needed to hear. Fear is a powerful thing. I am soldiering on, and will definitely cry out for help. We are always stronger when we work together. And I love your last statement: "The hardest door to get through is your own!" That is sooooo right!