Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Michael Jackson's Thriller

OK, so I'm back from my work travels and decided to spend the morning cleaning out the inbox.  After that, I did a little surfing, and lock and behold, what do I find on iTunes?

Michael Jackson's Thriller (cd/album/whatever) and the extended version video for 4.99.  OHMIGOODNESS!  I screamed like a 13 year old seeing Chris Brown in person.  

So, now I've got to get my iTunes up and running on my new Mac so that I can download the MJ classic before it goes off sale.  LOL.

I have had all kinds of high school flashbacks since seeing that ad.  Come on, ya'll know you were all doing that little dance with your leather jacket (red or black, of course) and your one white glove.  And let's not forget the high water pants with penny loafers and white socks.  Sigh.  I wasn't on the Jheri-Curl bandwagaon, but I did have my hair set on rods so that it could be really curly and "look like" MJ's.  

OK.  Gonna go sit down now.  

Monday, October 27, 2008


Thank God it's almost here.  There is nothing left to be said or done.  It has been a long, hard road, and the American people are ready to cast votes and move the country forward.  Enough with the discussin' and get to the doin' of things that will improve lives, improve the economy, improve the way we treat and are treated by our neighbors.  

Idealistic?  Yes!  But we all know that things change when someone decides to do just one thing differently.  

November 4th can't come quick enough.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hotel View

My hotel room has a fabulous view of the beach.  I can't wait to get out and go for a run.  My new promise to me is to take advantage of each hotel with great scenery.  I'm going to get out, about, and take lots of pictures.  Really, I am.  LOL

Pics to come.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


has been busy.  Just got back from ATL and heading out to Myrtle Beach for a conference tomorrow.  By Thursday, things will be slow and quiet, and I will be able to return to a normal pace. 

I'm putting plans in motion for the writing gig, and will even have a website up in a couple of weeks.  I am very excited about how this is all coming together.  

I know that the economy is bad around the world, and that we don't know what the next four years are going to bring, and on and on and on.  I just know that right now, I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.   I feel that every day.  

We have to keep pressing forward, even when things look like they are falling down around us.  So, I'm moving on with my plans.  With my eyes wide open, of course.  

Friday, October 24, 2008

APOOO Friday

It's APOOO Friday, so you'll find me over there talking about the Right Fit.  

In the meantime, I'm in ATL for a meeting.  Lots of blogging to come.  Seriously.  There is so much going on.  

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fridays at APOOO

It's Friday, which means I have a post up at APOOO. Check it out when you get the chance. Let me know what you think?

Happy Friday

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday APOOO Blog

Check out my weekly blog at APOOO (

This week's post is called The Power of Fear (

I'm there every Friday, and I'll be posting the link here.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mike and Suzanne work for Diddy and Jerrell goes home.

Ok, so before I start this post, I am going to admit that I may need reality tv rehab.

Diddy surprised me by choosing both Mike and Suzanne. To be honest, it would have been a hard choice for me. They each had very different strengths that would benefit any organization. I was very pleased with the ending. I wanted to hate the show. I really did. But I just couldn't. I could not believe some of the stuff these folks were willing to put themselves through just to work for this man. And it kept me coming back for more each week. Fascinating.

And Project Runway sent Jerrel home yesterday. UGH! I really wanted him and Korto to make it to Bryant Park, but I have to admit that his wedding gown and bridesmaid dress were AWFUL. I really thought he had moved past all that glitter and embellishing to excess. Apparently not. Next week, we'll see if Korto or Leann pull it off. I'm just not feeling Miss Kenley.

Anyway, heading off to get a life now.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Afternoon Delight...

I spent a wonderful afternoon with The Man. We did lunch at a local grille and then headed back to his house for a dvd and some "couple" time. It was great! We see each other several times a week and we have regular "date" nights, but I simply love it when we have quiet afternoons together. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we watch television, and sometimes we just nap like cats. It is always relaxing and just what I need when I need it. Today was no exception.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


That is the feeling I have been having all day after a very brief phone call with someone re: my new business venture.

Wow- I can't believe I am really moving forward.

I must be nuts to try and do this!

What happens if I fail?!

What happens if I never try?!

Fuck it- I've got to give it a shot!

So there you go. Still marching on. Actually starting to pick up some momentum.

OK- going back to my safe place to continue the freak out session, then gotta get in gear and do more stuff. LOL

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate Prep

I heard on the news this morning that Palin and Biden were prepping for the debates in very different ways.

Palin= cramming
Biden= the Socratic method

Cramming= rote memorization
Socratic method= the process of learning by asking questions

Cramming= short term information retention
Socratic method= elicits rational thinking and illuminates ideas

Cramming= recitation of facts
Socratic method= stimulating conversation

Cramming= what is
Socratic method= what could be

Why is this no surprise to me?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ABC's The View...

is my new secret obsession.

I can't stand Elisabeth Hasselbeck's repetitive statements concerning McCain and Palin. Girlfriend really needs to grow up and get a broader world view. She is like a broken record:

1. McCain was in the military and can be commander-in-chief

2. Palin has run Alaska, so she is qualified to be VP and possibly Madame P

3. Obama does not have experience to run the country and she is very dismissive and disrespectful of what he has accomplished

She is full of the same old, same old, but no rational substance.

Whoopi, Joy, and Barbara spend too much time coddling Elisabeth so that she doesn't feel "beat up" on, but then she is allowed to continue to spout the same crap day after day. Although, I have to say that Joy has been throwing out some zingers lately that have been really on point, and occasionally shut E.H. up (yay Joy!)

And Sherri- well, I just think she is just happy to be at the table.

Today, though, for the first time since the new season started, Barbara TRULY called Elisabeth out and asked her to explain why she thinks Palin is such a good pick. And you know what she did? She asked Barbara why Obama should be president. I could not believe the insolence! But good ole Babs did not let her off the hook, and she gave the same old reasons we have heard since Palin was announced as the VP choice for the Richpublicans.

Good television is like a good book for me- I may not like the characters or what is going on, but if you can elicit an emotional response from me, I'm hooked. And thusly, if I can't be on the sofa from 11-12 Mon- Fri, then I am recording it so that I can watch it later.

I wonder what are they going to talk about after the election. If you haven't seen it, check out The View when you get a chance. LOL

It is Wednesday...

and I don't know how I got here. LOL. Things have been moving at lightening speed. Doing other people's crap. LOL

Today belongs to me.