Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So, I find the video Church of Oprah Exposed on YouTube and MichaelBaisden.com. It's a bunch of bull. She is simply espousing that there is more than one way to God. I can't stand the intolerance and bigotry that people advocate under the guise of "religion". I won't be posting that video here- my blog, my rules. No religious intolerance allowed. Even if I don't understand or believe your tenents, I respect your right to have them. Just don't try to convert me and we will be fine.

Oprah issue down, Obama and Smiley to go. LOL

1 comment:

Yasmin said...

I can't stand the intolerance and bigotry that people advocate under the guise of "religion".

I heard that and me either!
BTW you've been pumping out the blogs...a sistah needs to catch up...hehe.