Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Best Laid Plans

often go awry.

Ya'll will not believe the drama I have experienced since giving my notice. Really, you wouldn't believe it. I'm in the middle of it and I don't believe it.

On top of that, I'm in the middle of a "something" with a close friend. I really want to talk about the issue, and she is not in a place to do so. While I totally understand, it is frustrating because I want to get all the cards on the table and deal with the issue so that we can move beyond that. And she is not ready to do that. Which shows me how frustrating I've been to other people in my life at various times. I often need time to "process" things through my personal filters before I can address them with someone else. So, I wait.

And it's funny, because another friend asked me this afternoon when did maintaining good friendships become so hard? What happened to mad at you one minute, sharing fries and giggling the next? Oh yeah, I think I was thirteen then. LOL. But seriously, when did just being yourself start to get in the way of being friends? Or is it just me and my friends? (Michael, you are not allowed to answer that- lol). Do we have less tolerance when we get older? I know for me, I let things build up to a breaking point and then I want to address it all at once. Not so good. Folks often forget why they did or said something, the emotion or intention behind it, or even actually doing or saying it. While I've been carrying it since the day it happened. And I know better- you know, being a mental health professional and all. LOL.

Not hard to tell where my head is today.

I'm getting back to where I started.

I planned on a smooth transition to the next phase in my professional life. What I got was other people's shit flung at me. Everyone has their idea of what I should do and I began listening to the voices in my attempt to people please under the guise of being professional. I didn't work for me. Suffice it to say, I should be excited about my new gig and my life going in a different direction, and instead I am dealing with drama. Don't worry. I have an escape plan. Actually, I have several. :-)

Holla at me and let me know how your friendships are going.


mindspill said...

My friendships are limited to two and both are like night and day from each other, but you gotta luv them for who they are regardless of how we are. I try to stay objective when listening to their issues but its hard because I have no tolerance for other folks drama, especially the kind you can control what YOU do in response to someone else actions.

I noticed though, when I don't agree with one or the other I get the backlash of silence from each for several days--- now is that anyway to treat a friend?

btw, I saw your link on apooo and like the fact you are a southern diva, too :)

Southern Diva said...

Thanks for that Mindspill. Friendships can be hard to manuever. I always wanted an Oprah/Gayle type of friendship, but what I have instead is a posse of feminine warriors who have have my back all the time. Which of course, makes it even harder to maintain- lots 'o personalities in the mix. LOL. But I love every last one of them for too many reasons to name. I don't think I would have it any other way. Unless I was Gayle to Oprah. LOL. Just kidding.

And thanks for clicking on the apooo link. I hope you'll come back again.

Yasmin said...

I always wanted an Oprah/Gayle type of friendship,

ahh man you're saying we don't have an Oprah and Gayle relationship...hmmm I might not have as much money but I thought you were my Gayle...rotflmao...I'm just messing with you sis...and do I need to be paranoid...I ain't in the middle of nothing you forgot to tell me about...QQ...hehe...

Southern Diva said...

LOL. Yas- you are a mess. Naw girl, it ain't you. And we talked it out.

You are my long-distance Diva/Sista-friend. That's why we've got to get you back in the Dirty South soon. Imagine the stuff we could get into!!! LOL OK- imagine it. Don't say it out load. We need plausible deniability. :-)

Yasmin said...

That's why we've got to get you back in the Dirty South soon. Imagine the stuff we could get into!!! LOL OK- imagine it

rotflol and U know this...Michael and Rick wouldn't stand a chance...hehe.

Southern Diva said...

LOL. We'd be like Thelma and Louise, without the rape, murder, an suicide. lol

Yasmin said...

I heard that sis! You know we need to try and see each other this's been too you know its been 4 years since we last saw each other in the flesh!