Thursday, March 27, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For...

You just might get it.

I have alluded to being somewhat dissatisfied with my current job (hence the crying jag in the shower a few weeks ago). I've dropped tidbits about writing full-time and being self employed.

Well, God, The Universe, The Ultimate Divine, Jehovah, Yahweh, whomever you do or don't pray to, has heard my plea.

OK, let me back up. For several years now, I've been wanting out of my version of the rat race. I have envisioned myself as a consultant (which I currently do on the side on a very limited basis throughout the year) and as a full-time writer (which I have been doing very little of for years). But my desire to live life on my own terms has become more and more intense over the last two years or so. Ask Yas how many times I went into the "we've got to start our own business/ if I am going to work this hard, I need to be working for myself" diatribe. More times than she can count, for sure.

Well, it's about to happen for me. I won't bore you with the details, but I will say that as of April 20th, I will begin self-employment as a consultant. I signed the contract and FedEx'ed it this afternoon. I'll be making more money and working fewer hours. Um- HELLO!!! Can you say very happy Diva?! I am over the moon.

Of course, I haven't served notice to the current employer yet. I'm in a training and won't be back in the office until Monday, so I have plenty of time to figure out how I'm going to do it ( you know- the BAM, I'm outta here suckas! approach, or the simple: here's my letter, I'll have my office cleared out by the end of the day. LOL).

Either way, I'm about to become self-employed and begin my journey towards creating a life as a writer. YAY ME!

Did I mention that I will primarily work from home? How about traveling up and down the East Coast at the expense of the agency I contract with?

For those of you throwing up caution signs about self-employment,insurance, retirement benefits, and the economy and such, I simply say- yep. But I gotta do it. Nothing ventured is nothing gained. And I'd rather take a shot at living life on my own terms when given the opportunity, than to continue to be miserable in a place where I feel devalued while collecting a check and benefits. It's a no-brainer to me. With my current situation, I can barely carve out time to blog (it happens to be 4:55 am, and I've been surfing the net for over an hour because it's another night of not being able to sleep past 3- ugh!!), so the option of working between 25-28 hours per week (coming off of a 40 hr work week) FROM MY HOME, being home when DIT gets home from school (instead of two hours later) and writing, writing, writing, and MAKING MORE MONEY THAN I CURRENTLY DO is very appealing to me.

And do you know what the best part will be? MORE BLOGGING!!!! That's right peeps. More, more, and more of life as I see it. How cool is that?

Are you ready to have your heart's desire today? I know I am.


Anonymous said...

Well over a year ago, when we first got to really know each other, you said that you felt that something big was gonna happen in your life. Just how I happened to fall into you was amazing in itself, and what we have shared in this time has justified my belief in you. Each day I have felt you were very special and I have never doubted this day would come for you. And I know that this is just the beginning. I am very proud of you and feel very lucky to be with you. And no matter what anyone says, after you write that number one best seller, I am your biggest fan, not them. I always will be. It's just the beginning baby. I am in love with you! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Diva!!! Gurl you going to love having that time at home doing your own thang... enjoy and make the most of your gifted opportunity!

Southern Diva said...

choklaterain- thank you so much. I am going to make it work! (In the infamous words of Tim Gunn from Project Runway)