Saturday, September 27, 2008

Working on a Plan

I woke up this morning with a bug up my arse! These last six months of consulting have been great, and I will soldier on, but it's also time for me to start getting real with my own dreams. So, armed with some research, some thoughts sketched out, and my imagination, I am working on a business plan for life as a freelance writer.

I always thought that I would break into writing with the novel. It just seemed like a natural thing with the amount of fiction that I read. However, this last year or so has shown me a different possibility. That is not to say that I won't write a novel, it may end up just being part of my writing repertoire, instead of the whole thing.

George Clinton sang "Free your mind, and your ass will follow". Ain't that the truth. My mind is opening up to so many possibilities, so I am going to follow and see where it leads. I feel like I am embarking on an exciting journey. It's about time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Lack of Sleep

Because my Crackberry was undergoing an intensive diagnostic check until almost 2 am this morning, I have had only 4 hours of sleep. Now, for those who know me, they know that I am an 8 hour girl. All the time. But, Wednesday night I was up until after 2 reading and playing on the Internet. So, for the past two days, I have only had half of my normal sleep. And that is not good. I am bouncing from one thing to the next like a toddler all juiced up from sugar. Which means that I will probably crash and burn tonight around 8:00. In the meanttime, I am going to get as much mileage out of the craziness as possible. I am going to read the last 100 pages of The Pillars of the Earth, and then I am going to do some writing. Or I may go to a movie. Oh, maybe I'll hit the outlets 'cause I've been meaning to buy a new pair of black pumps. The possibilities are endless.

And if you end up getting a bunch of blog posts today, blame it on sleep deprivation.


T-Mobile bought out Suncom in the spring, and we were converted over on the 8th of this month. Since that time, my beloved Crackberry started acting like it was taking crack. Today, I had not received any email or text messages for over 12 hours!!! To say that I was upset is an understatement.

Anywho, when The Man left tonight, I thought I'd call T-Mobile to see what the deal was, complain, and also find out what it will cost to break my contract. I ended up paying my current bill on the phone with Automated Sally (don't know if that's her name, that's just what I call her) and then at the end requested Customer Service. After a 20 minute wait, I got put through to a nice young lady- didn't get her name. Told her my issues, and she immediately forwarded me to the Blackberry Dept. I think that's what she called it. I'm not sure. It is 2:00 am after all.

So, I end up on the phone with Christopher in New Mexico for 49 minutes and I have to say that I think he fixed the bugs that were ailing my baby Berry from the conversion. He talked me through stuff, explained stuff, sent test text and email messages, and when it looked like two of my email addresses weren't going to act right, told me to call RIM in the morning. I guess he could tell I was running on fumes. Must have been the slurring of my words. Anyway, just as I was about to shut my 'puter down for the night, the test messages for the two stubborn email addresses came in.

I told ya'll all of that to say that I appreciate good service when I get it, so I am sending a shout out to Christopher in New Mexico at the T-Mobile Blackberry call center. He was a doll. And the poor thing was sniffling the whole time because someone brought roses into work. That's just wrong! You know those call centers are just one big area with cubicles because you can hear other folks on the phone. But I digress.

I'm happy and now I am going to sleep. I hope to awaken to tons of email. Ciao!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall Breezes

This morning, I decided to open my windows and enjoy the wonderful fall breeze. It is awesome. I must admit, that in the land of more sunny days than not and 70 degree Decembers, I love, love, love a gray fall day. I love being wrapped in a throw with a cup of tea in my comfy chair. That is heaven on earth. And ironically, I am energized by it all. My morning has been productive, and my afternoon looks like more of the same. I am content with that. The introvert in me is looking forward to my winter hibernation. I get so much more done. LOL

What is your favorite time of the year?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

List Making

I am in a snit for several reasons. I'm PMSing. I haven't been writing like I want and need to because of work. My favorite jeans are a little snug. The tree in my front yard needs some serious pruning. I have a thirteen year old daughter. Since my thoughts are all over the place, I'll just give you a list of things on my mind.

Things that are pissing me off:
1. This screwed up economy and the need for a huge bailout.
2. The fact that George Bush is reading a speech to me right now.
3. Elizabeth Hasselbeck on The View.
4. Mean Girl behavior by 13 year olds who know nothing about life.
5. The fact that it will be getting dark earlier, even though I love fall.

Things that I am grateful for:
1. DIT and The Man and my friends. (Yes, she makes both lists- lol)
2. Books and reading.
3. Writing.
4. The new fall television season.
5. Freedom of speech.

I did two lists because I believe in the yin and yang of things. I am trying to ensure that I have balance. If I'm going to complain, then I need to express gratitude for the positive things in my life. At least, that is my plan.

What are you pissed about? And what are you grateful for?

Friday, September 12, 2008


I just wanted to let you guys know that I am now blogging weekly over at APOOO. Check it out when you get a chance and leave a comment or two. My post goes up every Friday. Gotta love it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back in the Saddle

My internet is up and I am back in the saddle. (Still having trouble with the desktop, but that's DIT's problem- lol- just kidding. The Man will keep working on it.) Gotta head to Columbia, in the rain, no less, but will be back this evening with plenty to discuss:

Lipstick on a pig comment for one, and the whole political scene as I see it right now. My blog, my opinions.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Internet Woes

Dear Blog,
I am so sad. My internet is acting up. The Man is going to try to fix it tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I am going to have to shell out the dough to get the computer folks to come to the house. Let's just hope this is a slow news week. If not, my thumbs are gonna be sore.

Big Sigh,
Southern Diva.
Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blackberry Tricks

The application that I have been greatly anticipating is finally here: media sync between my Blackberry and my iTunes!!!!! Can you say heaven? Music and videos shared between my two favorite devices on the planet. What more could a Gadget Ho want? Thanks mucho Techno Gods. I can't wait to see what is next.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Much Ado About Nothing

I'm not sure what is going on in the political world today. A lot of reasons for that, but mostly the post-Hannah no-show aftermath, i.e. letdown. I spent all day in front of the boob tube (watching really doofus movies) because I had no energy for much else. See, The Man and I got all prepped for a storm- food, water, games, flashlights, you name it. We planned this big sleepover at his house (which is three miles from the beach, as opposed to hanging out in my cottage 25 miles from the coast- we're southerners, what can I say. If you want logic, go hang out somewhere else. Anyway...) with my girl and his niece and the two dogs. A great time was to be had by all.

So, we ate, we talked, we played games, they watched a movie while I read, and then we all went to sleep, in anticipation of the tropical storm. And what did we get? Wet. Just rain, very little wind. Not much else. Not even debris blown about. A regular late summer night's rain.

Now, I am really not complaining that nothing bad happened. I live in Charleston, for crying out loud, we are used to prepping for hurricanes. We leave when we have to, and when we don't have to, we huddle together and try to make the best of things. We have hurricane parties (like my friend Chanda did last night) and sleepovers (like we did) 'cause things are less scary when you are all together.

It was a lot of prep for nothing. A waste of my adrenaline. And for that we are very grateful.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

PMS and Politics

I am pmsing. That alone should cause people to flee for safety. Add politics to the mix and you have a very volatile situation. Palin's speech did my head in. What are the Richpublicans going to do about healthcare in this county? How about education? How about turning this fucked up economy around? Maybe when they stop tossing barbs at the Dems, then they'll put something together. I am going to go meditate so that I will be able to sit through McCain's speech tonight without destroying my own property. 61 days until the election. Pray for me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A New GOP...

I daresay there is definitely a need for a Republican face lift, and try as they might, Sarah Palin is not going to be enough. There are many reasons why I am not a Republican, and there are many reasons why I am considering calling myself an Independent. Many elections have been a choice between lesser evils. I don't feel that this year, but I have in the past. Both parties need to look at what they do and why they do it. I scanned the crowd last night and it was no big surprise- lots of white males in business attire accompanied by their well-heeled women. A few minority sprinkles here and there- very few. When I think of Republicans, I think of people who are only looking out for themselves, usually well-connected financially and politically. As far as they are concerned, it's all about making more money for the family coffers, and the rest of the world be damned. If you don't like how they do business, they'll just send our military out after you. Making life better for everyone is not on their radar. It's every MAN for himself. Bring your wife along, especially if she has her own money. The rest of the world be damned. My blog, my opinions.

Check out this article on the Republican party.

Let me know what you think.

Monday, September 1, 2008