Thursday, February 7, 2008

Gadget Hos

This post started at 4:00 am this morning. Sometimes you just get what you get.

I did indeed wake up at 4 this morning. I did indeed have thoughts of blogging racing through my head while I tried to shut down and go back to sleep. In the midst of this struggle, I began reflecting on the fact that I like gadgets. So much so, that you could probably call me a gadget ho. I don't know why it popped in my head, but it did. What can you do?

Now, under normal circumstances, calling me a ho of any order would be grounds for a good cussing, but just for today, I accept the term. Hell, I'll even patent it.

Gadgets are my thing. Cell phones, laptops, MP3 players, PDAs, flash drives, I love it all.

Apple is my favorite company on the planet right now. They brought us the iPod, the iPhone, and the iTouch.( The latter two not being products that I currently own, but most assuredly covet.) They have that damn thin ass laptop that I am pining for. Every time I see that commercial where the pull the laptop out of a manila envelope I get excited. What's a 1500.00 price tag when you can sport that baby?

But then I think about the Sony Vaio and how cute and little it is, and how it's such a mini-laptop and how I could totally rock that at the local Starbucks or Atlanta Bread Company while I sit in a booth drinking a vanilla latte.

And thanks to the Gadget Gods for developing the Crackberry! Pure genius! I can talk on the phone, take pictures, have my calendar, address book, and to do list at my fingertips, email my mom without breaking stride, and then go check out my favorite internet websites. Happy Happy Joy Joy! I am like so serious. I was pretty peeved with the powers that be at the J-O-B because they won't sanction one. Something about all the upgrades our secure server would need, blah, blah blah. I stopped listenining after The Boss kept telling me no. Instead I have to carry my work laptop and cell phone where ever I go. Just that little device, and all would be right with the world. OK, well, they did concede and offer to buy me an HP PDA with WiFi and Bluetooth, but it's just not the same. No qwerty keyboard to make it look all cute. But now that I think about it, I think I'll go ahead and place that order. A gadget's a gadget, what the hell.

And now, the latest is these external drives for your computer- they've gotten smaller and smaller (as well as cheaper and cheaper). You know I'll be heading to Best Buy this weekend to check them out.

For some women, it's shoes (I have that problem too- mainly hot ass cowboy boots, especially those w/ stiletto heels. Can you so Lucchese or Charlie 1 Horse?), clothes, or handbags. As far as I'm concerned, you can never have enough gadgets.

What's your vice? I know ya'll have some.


Anonymous said...

On msn home page today. Hopefully the link will work.>1=10938

Yasmin said...

Speaking of gadget ho's...sis I love my Verizon Vovager...gurl you know I wasn't a big text messenger...but hmmm it's amazing what a lil' keyboard can do for a sista's ego. Hehe...and the phone also has a TV (I don't use it...but you would LOVE it...hehe), GPS, Internet Access, MP3 player, I'm like in seventh heaven! Although I must add all of these features come with a price tag but for me it's worth it to have cell phone, internet access, music and directions all in ONE gadget!
I love Apple but I don't personally own anything by them...not sure of why...but my son has the ITouch, IPod (which he's selling now that he has the ITouch), wants the IPhone for his b-day and Lauren wants the slimest laptop. Yep my kids are gadget
Oh the one thing I don't like about the ITouch is that you need to have a computer signal in order to access the web...with my phone...I can access the Web from anywhere...and given that I'm a big 'net ho...gurl you can find me at cheerleading competitions, post office, waiting in line, waiting in traffic...checking and answering emails.
I'm addicted...hehe.

msyonnie said...

Ok ok I'm not really a gadget ho but think i'm getting there lol. I luv my Env phone bcuz i'm a crazy txt messenger in one mth i had 9000 texts. Now i was going to trade in my Env for tha cute lil pink blackberry however it doesn't have the keypad that i'm use to with the Env and i can't go back to the old way of texting. I'm looking into getting the Dell Inspiron pink laptop and i'm so excited about it. I'm not a big gadget ho ummm but i think i'm on my way lol

Anonymous said...

Let's see my Motorola Razr phone, my laptop, mp3 player, I'm the email queen...yes, I love gadgets. I also love shoes :)