Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rainy Day Musings

I love rainy days, especially in the winter. I am grateful when they fall on the weekend. Then I have an excuse for staying in my pj's all day and not leaving the house. I love to sit in my comfy chair and read, nap, then read some more. So right now, I'm staring out of my office window (which has a magnificent view of the parking garage) and wishing that I were home. But enough about me, let's talk about stuff I found while surfing the net today.

US News and World Report has an article on Obama and race. I saw the cover while I was standing in line at Barnes and Noble waiting to pay for a copy of The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Franke. DIT has to read it for school. So when I got back to the office, I went online to read the article. ( I sure as hell wasn't going to pay five bucks for something that I could get for free.) Anywho, read the article when you get a chance:


I'm pretty sure you'll find it as interesting as I did. To sum it up, the fact that Barack is distancing himself from the "old guard" in African American leadership and aligning with younger, snappier politicians such as Deval Patrick and Cory Booker seems to be upsetting to some. I say it's time for the old folks to move out of the way and let the young folks lead. The knowledge and expertise of the old guard can be best used in an advisory/counselor relationship. Some of the best advice I've ever gotten (personally and professionally) have been from women who have been where I am and moved on. When are people going to realize that the people with the "real power" are often behind the scenes? Everyone wants to be the Front Man, but few want to do the real moving and shaking behind the scenes. Anyone who thinks that the President calls all the shots without advice, counsel, or pressure from others is sadly mistaken. Also, I find it interesting that the writer of the article feels that Obama downplays his mother's influence in his life. I have never gotten that impression from him. As a matter of fact, he stated on Oprah years ago, that after he wrote his book Dreams Of My Father, he realized that he should have probably chosen another title because it is misleading in terms of the role his mother had in his life. Anyway, read the article for yourself and tell me what you think. All I know, is no matter what, he will not be able to escape the fact that he checks the box for Black on his census form. So let's talk about something else, already.

While perusing the net today, I read an article on folks being pissed off because of the Starbucks new "Skinny" drink campaign. Give me a break. I don't care what they call it- 90 calories in a tall vanilla latte? Zero fat? I'm in. Shit, make mine a double.

For all the techies out there, Blu Ray won out over HD-DVDs last week. Yeah, Toshiba lost that big time. This is one time where I actually decided to wait it out. We've known for over a year now that it was going to be a death match similar to Beta vs. VHS. My stepdad bought the Beta and my mom the VHS. I'm just saying. Now, I can put my Blu Ray dvd player on my purchase list.

If you are ever interested in how the rest of the world views politics in America, go check out www.bbc.com. I just love it over there. But of course, I'm an African American who is a Anglophile (lover of most things British- don't get it twisted). I'll have to give ya'll the low down on that some time. I can just relate to the Brits and their stiff upper lips, just do it in the name of the Queen and country mentality. Hey, everyone's got something. That just happens to be mine. I mean really, this is the country that gave us Chick Lit. I ain't mad at 'em.

And last but not least, they are starting to talk about the "impending" recession. Enough already. Call it what it is. We are in a recession NOW. There is no recession boogey man waiting to jump out at us at any given moment. George W. opened the door and let him in a long time ago. But those checks in May are going to make everything alright. I know he keeps telling himself that whenever he hears the word "recession".

OK, so I'm in a cynical mood today. I should have gone home to my sofa and listened to the rain on my skylights. Now that is some great me time.


Yasmin said...

I say it's time for the old folks to move out of the way and let the young folks lead.

I agree...and sis I loved your news and rants...I feel like I'm up to speed and might not need to call you this evening...lol.

Anonymous said...

I had to pass up on the Blu Ray for now and settled for just a Vaio. As I continue to read your post we share some things in common- bbc.com my favorite hangout.

I enjoy the blog. Very informative.

Southern Diva said...

Welcome Choklaterain! I'm glad you visited. I hope you'll come back. I'm glad to hear that you can relate to my quirkiness. :-)