Thursday, February 21, 2008

In The News

I have been gone way too long. My kid got sick, I got sick, and life got hectic (as usual). But that is not going to stop me from weighing in on a few things. I have so much I want to blog about, I don't know where to start, so today is going to be a sort of roll call on the issues.

First up, Michelle Obama. The press does not want to go there, ya'll. I think that the majority of black folks ( and lots of white folks and other minorities as well) fully understood where Michelle Obama was coming from. I am not proud of the educational and economic disparities in this country. I am not proud of the racism, sexism, and ageism of this country. I am not proud of being in Iraq and decimating a country. I am not proud that George W. sent folks to die on a wild goose chase. (How is it that a man on dialysis is able to remain hidden from a country with technology so advanced that it sounds like science fiction to those of us over the age of 12? I mean really, if Google can show me a very clear satellite picture of my house, I know the goverment has even better toys. I'm just saying.) I am not proud of the fact that Clarence Thomas sits on the bench. I mean, really ya'll I could just go on and on and on. But I know, and all of America know's exactly what Michelle Obama meant by that statement. Cindy "Barbie Doll" McCain needs to return to her Arm Candy status- keep her mouth shut and smile pretty for the cameras.

And speaking of Obamas, how about that Barack? Who in the hell is doing the advising over at the Clinton camp? There is no way I would have told that woman that she didn't need to campaign in smaller states- let Obama have those votes, we'll take Ohio and Texas. This is a RACE for the democratic presidential nomination in a time where America has shown that ANYTHING can happen. I find this oversight to be a real sign of what the Clinton camp thinks about black folks and middle class Americans- we don't need their votes. We can win this without them. Obama, on the other hand, says, I do need your votes. You are important to this process. Your opinion does make a difference. Sounds like the white males in Wisconsin, the homies in Hawaii, and the Mid-Atlantic folks on the East coast were listening. I bet lots of Texans and Buckeyes are as well. I can't wait to see that show down.

And on to Bush's economic recovery plan. Too little, too late. A check in May is not going stop or slow down this recession. I'm just saying. Folks need jobs and better interest rates now. Now, if Bush had spent the last 7 years planning for growth, instead of starting a war on false pretenses, paving the way for Cheney to hook his boyz up for life with government contracts, and basically giving America the finger because he could, we wouldn't need his recovery band aid on this gushing wound that is our economy. Surely I can't be the only one who thinks like this.

And a big HALLELUJIAH to the end of the writer's strike. Of course, that means that I get like 4-6 new episodes per show just in time for the summer hiatus. But, what's a woman to do. Guess that means I'll have to keep blogging.

Please, please, please holla at me. I've missed ya'll so.


Yasmin said...

WELCOME Back and you know I missed you!

How is it that a man on dialysis is able to remain hidden from a country with technology so advanced that it sounds like science fiction to those of us over the age of 12? I mean really, if Google can show me a very clear satellite picture of my house, I know the goverment has even better toys. I'm just saying.)

I'm just saying also...along with WTF...rotflmao!

Southern Diva said...

LOL! Thanks Yas. It's good to be back. I'm glad you liked it.

Yasmin said...

I like that new subscribe button also. ;)

Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling better.

As an AA, I definately understand what she meant by her statement. If you're not Black, it would be hard to understand.

Hilary shouldn't have fired her last 2 people.

Anonymous said...

As an AA, I definately understand what she meant by her statement. If you're not Black, it would be hard to understand.

C'mon Shelia, I have to go with what this blog is called - "Are you kidding me?"