Thursday, March 27, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For...

You just might get it.

I have alluded to being somewhat dissatisfied with my current job (hence the crying jag in the shower a few weeks ago). I've dropped tidbits about writing full-time and being self employed.

Well, God, The Universe, The Ultimate Divine, Jehovah, Yahweh, whomever you do or don't pray to, has heard my plea.

OK, let me back up. For several years now, I've been wanting out of my version of the rat race. I have envisioned myself as a consultant (which I currently do on the side on a very limited basis throughout the year) and as a full-time writer (which I have been doing very little of for years). But my desire to live life on my own terms has become more and more intense over the last two years or so. Ask Yas how many times I went into the "we've got to start our own business/ if I am going to work this hard, I need to be working for myself" diatribe. More times than she can count, for sure.

Well, it's about to happen for me. I won't bore you with the details, but I will say that as of April 20th, I will begin self-employment as a consultant. I signed the contract and FedEx'ed it this afternoon. I'll be making more money and working fewer hours. Um- HELLO!!! Can you say very happy Diva?! I am over the moon.

Of course, I haven't served notice to the current employer yet. I'm in a training and won't be back in the office until Monday, so I have plenty of time to figure out how I'm going to do it ( you know- the BAM, I'm outta here suckas! approach, or the simple: here's my letter, I'll have my office cleared out by the end of the day. LOL).

Either way, I'm about to become self-employed and begin my journey towards creating a life as a writer. YAY ME!

Did I mention that I will primarily work from home? How about traveling up and down the East Coast at the expense of the agency I contract with?

For those of you throwing up caution signs about self-employment,insurance, retirement benefits, and the economy and such, I simply say- yep. But I gotta do it. Nothing ventured is nothing gained. And I'd rather take a shot at living life on my own terms when given the opportunity, than to continue to be miserable in a place where I feel devalued while collecting a check and benefits. It's a no-brainer to me. With my current situation, I can barely carve out time to blog (it happens to be 4:55 am, and I've been surfing the net for over an hour because it's another night of not being able to sleep past 3- ugh!!), so the option of working between 25-28 hours per week (coming off of a 40 hr work week) FROM MY HOME, being home when DIT gets home from school (instead of two hours later) and writing, writing, writing, and MAKING MORE MONEY THAN I CURRENTLY DO is very appealing to me.

And do you know what the best part will be? MORE BLOGGING!!!! That's right peeps. More, more, and more of life as I see it. How cool is that?

Are you ready to have your heart's desire today? I know I am.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Information Age

So, I'm in the shower this morning (where I do some of my best thinking) and I'm mulling over all the things my new Crackberry can do when it hits me. I no longer go to a book when I need to know something.

Think about it. Back in the day, when you needed a phone number, you pulled out the big ass yellow pages and let your fingers do the walking.

When you had to research something, you went to the library and used the card catalog and encyclopedias (remember those things?). And lots and lots of books on one subject. And let's not forget the micro-fiche if you needed a magazine article. I know my geekiness is showing. I have always had a love affair with the library.

When you wanted to know about a particular business or organization, you read their brochure, or some other sort of literature or propaganda.

When you needed directions, you pulled out an atlas or map. Some folks even used globes. Imagine that.

Nowadays,when you need info, turn on your computer or handheld device, and it's all there. We still let our fingers do the walking, but the terrain is usually a keyboard or touch pad (depending on the gizmo you are using)instead of paper.

I have to say, I don't go to the library as much as I used to, and I sure do miss it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Oops- I Did it Again

The Gadget Ho strikes again. They (meaning my wireless carrier) had a HUGE sale on Crackberries, I mean Blackberries. You know a sista was there. And hence, I have been playing with the damn thing since around 5:30 this evening. I got off long enout to send this blog, and to watch Top Model. Marvita bit the dust.

Seriously though, I think I'm teched out for the day, so I'm going to grab my book and read. I'm currently reading The Darkness by LA Banks. So far, so good.

Anywho, there is more important stuff for me to write about, so I'll get back with ya'll tomorrow. I should probably seek help for this. LOL

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More on Ferraro

I just happened to stumble across this article by ZZ Packer. Here is an excerpt:

So, forty-three white male presidents to date, and Geraldine Ferraro says Obama's gotten where he is because he's black?

If you've been following the latest statement by Geraldine Ferraro in which she said "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," you might also be operating under the assumption that our last 43 presidents have been black, or that blacks overwhelmingly make up the bulk of Fortune 500 CEOs, or for that matter, the majority of Andover kids whining about the lack of locales for spring break or the cast of The OC.

Just at the beginning of his campaign it seemed like an absolute long shot because of his race. Now, having overcome all this and other these obstacles--including the ones that contribute to high percentages of black men who are jobless, in prison, or dead by the age of 25--he is where he is because of race?

The horrible double standard is obvious. According to those of Ferraro's ilk: if you're a poor black man, or incarcerated, or jobless or homeless, you are where you are because of your own ineptitude and should take responsibility for your actions. However, if you've excelled at one of the top schools in the nation, then later on became a star attorney and later become a senator who inspires millions, then you're only there in spite of your ineptitude and you really shouldn't take responsibility for it. Talk about movin' on up.

Read the rest for yourself.

What's Going On?

I won't bore you guys with a long explaination about where I've been or what I've been doing. Suffice it to say that life has been happening. And now, I'm ready to get back on my J-O-B as the self-appointed bullshit detector. And boy is there a lot of it going around.

To Geraldine Ferraro: It is one thing for folks to think you a fool. Don't open your mouth and prove it. Every time I saw this woman on television last week, I could only shake my head at the shame of it all. How do you find the nerve to begrudge someone else's success at something you weren't able to achieve? I know that people do it all the time, but it still makes me wonder.

The US Government has bailed out one of the biggest banks in the country, while Jr., Shay Shay,Pookie, and Carol Ann (all under the age of eighteen) can't get healthcare. And it was done with the stroke of a pen. Hmmm. I am the only person seeing something inherently wrong with this? I mean, they are saying that this gesture is to save the economy from a continuing downward spiral. I guess the future leaders of this country don't mean that much in the grand scheme of things.

Today Obama is giving a speech about race in America. I will have plenty of comments for you tomorrow.

Personally, my journey is getting more and more interesting. I am conidering an opportunity that may change the course of my life. I'm nervous and excited, all at the same time. But life is about taking chances, so I think I am going to jump in with both feet and see what happens. In the meantime, I want to end with my favorite quote of all time. It is often attributed to Nelson Mandela, who did indeed say these words in a speech, but it was actually written by Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love:Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Peace- today and everyday.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

My Recurring Fantasy

Get your minds out of the gutter. It's not what you think.

I'm in the middle of PMS hell. Last week was organized chaos for me- more so than usual. I was tired, cranky, and needing "me time". I was in the shower on Sunday- washing and crying and feeling sorry for myself because I had to go to work the next day- when I got the great idea to do something different. I decided to resign from my job. Yep. I had it all planned out. I would walk into my Monday morning meeting with a smile on my face, and an envelope in my hand and let them know that I would give them two weeks and no more.

My heart raced with the excitement of it all. Fear coursed through me as well. I had never done anything so daring in all of my life. Regardless, it was full steam ahead for me. I was going to change my life on Monday morning.

The alarm went off at 6 as usual, but I was already awake. I got moving and got DIT going. Once the bus pulled out of the neighborhood I grabbed my keys off the counter and headed for the garage. And that is when it hit me.

The mortgage, the car, food, electricity, dental bills. And much, much more.

This is a recurring fantasy of mine, and someday, I am going to do it. Right after I win the lottery. Ya'll heard it here first.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Wiz Lessons

So yesterday, I didn't sit through the performance. I dropped DIT and ran some errands. When I went back to pick the girls up, I realized the performance had run late. DIT and Friend told me that one of the guys in the orchestra passed out during intermission and had to be rushed to the hospital. They were a little unsettled, but the show went on.

This morning, before the performance, the kids found out that the guy died yesterday. He was 71 and had a heart condition. The kids said a group prayer/blessing, and dedicated the show to the orchestra member. Although they were visibly upset, again, the show went on.

It has been one thing after another for this production, and yet the kids keep getting out there and doing the damn thing (even when they are fighting and carrying on amongst themselves). Some grown folks could learn a lot from these kids (namely the people I work with). It's all about the mission. Roll with the punches and continue pressing forward.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Mom Jitters

I sat in the audience yesterday for the first performance of The Wiz. The kids were GREAT! And Dorothy (my DIT) was awesome. Keep in mind, it is a middle school performance, but the kids were funny, and entertaining, and having a blast. And DIT handled her business like a real pro. I was nervous as HELL! I was sweating bullets- wondering if she was going to hit all of her notes, forget any lines, and so on. I am happy to say that none of that happened. The jitters have abated. Two performances down, and three to go.

As for Barack, while he held his own against Hillary, he didn't give her the good ole' fashioned butt-whupping I was hoping for. Seems like HC ain't giving up without a fight. Barack needs to get to strategizing against McCain. He can't do that while he's duking it out with the She-Clinton. Of course, network execs and anchors are loving it. I'm just saying, it's getting too close for my comfort, which is making me a little jittery.

This diva wants a decisive victory for Obama- and now.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I saw DIT sing on stage for the first time. I have to say, I was wowed. I have seen her act, so that is not a big deal, and I've seen her sing in church, but today, I sat in on the last hour of rehearsal and saw her do them both, with some minor dancing in between. My heart leapt when she put her heart and soul into "Home". And you would have thought that her theater arts teacher was her mother because this woman was smiling from ear to ear, and so proud. Tomorrow is her first performance, and I am so ready to see it all together. The best thing about it all is that she is having a blast. She is doing what she loves. And that makes me happy.

On the political front, I can't wait for the election results to start rolling in. MSNBC, ABC, and CNN will be my channels tonight. LOL.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Gadget Ho Strikes Again...

See, what had happened was, last fall, I traded my sucky Altima for a Jeep Liberty (I love, love, love SUVs, but especially Jeeps- just don't like to drive big ones). Being the frugal woman that I am (read that as cheap) I usually just get the car the way they ship it from the factory.

Well, since I am huge iPod lover and user, I decided to replace my factory cd/radio w/ a fancy-shmancy Alpine car stereo with iPod Control. (Mr. Lover Lover was supposed to talk me into the less tricked out model- but he simply encouraged the extravagance- God bless him. Satellite radio will be on my gift list for the holidays- hint hint. My new sound system can handle it with ease. Who knows, I may even need a speaker upgrade.)

So, seeing as how I will be spending a lot of time in the car this week as the taxi driver to and from The Wiz rehearsals, I will have my handy-dandy iPod friendly car stereo rockin' out to whatever my mood desires. Yay me.