Tuesday, March 18, 2008

More on Ferraro

I just happened to stumble across this article by ZZ Packer. Here is an excerpt:

So, forty-three white male presidents to date, and Geraldine Ferraro says Obama's gotten where he is because he's black?

If you've been following the latest statement by Geraldine Ferraro in which she said "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position," you might also be operating under the assumption that our last 43 presidents have been black, or that blacks overwhelmingly make up the bulk of Fortune 500 CEOs, or for that matter, the majority of Andover kids whining about the lack of locales for spring break or the cast of The OC.

Just at the beginning of his campaign it seemed like an absolute long shot because of his race. Now, having overcome all this and other these obstacles--including the ones that contribute to high percentages of black men who are jobless, in prison, or dead by the age of 25--he is where he is because of race?

The horrible double standard is obvious. According to those of Ferraro's ilk: if you're a poor black man, or incarcerated, or jobless or homeless, you are where you are because of your own ineptitude and should take responsibility for your actions. However, if you've excelled at one of the top schools in the nation, then later on became a star attorney and later become a senator who inspires millions, then you're only there in spite of your ineptitude and you really shouldn't take responsibility for it. Talk about movin' on up.

Read the rest for yourself.



Anonymous said...

You know the sad thing about Geraldine Ferraro- she spoke exactly what she felt. Her sentiments of others who keeps silent in the truth of their thoughts. I don't think I want to hear it anyway. I'm just glad Obama is doing his thang without allowing the race card to keep him back in time or where others prefer us to be - down and out.

Southern Diva said...

You ain't said nothing but a word girl. I am really proud of Obama and speech yesterday. He didn't down play anything, and used a gentle touch to get his message across.

Yasmin said...

Hey sis...this presidential race is out of control...or the media is out of perspective...the things they choose to focus on are ridiculous...and yes Geraldine Ferraro is ridiculous...it must have been a slow news day...lol...in the meantime John McCain is in Iraq already acting like he's President...grrrlllllllll!

Southern Diva said...

Hang in there girl. Obama will give him what for. Let's face it, McCain had no competition on his end when it came down to the wire. The Dems better recognize that they need to have been strategizing YESTERDAY because the Republicans are gonna come with everything they got. And they have more time to prepare 'cause we going down to the wire.

Yasmin said...

And they have more time to prepare 'cause we going down to the wire.

Alright sis but have I told you that I'm pissed with the Dems...this ish regarding Wright is going to HAUNT Obama for months and it's a dayum shame...because this race should have been wrapped up by now! I just hope the committee doesn't tell Obama to bow out gracefully to let Hillary be the frontrunner and he be her VP...NOT...but I will admit with both of them on a ticket they will WIN...hmmm Hillary should concede...hehe.

Southern Diva said...

I don't see how folks can hold Obama responsible for the Wright- he's a grown ass man. And I'm not all that upset with most of what he said. But that's just me. LOL. I like the fact that Obama is not kicking him to the curb- he's family. Some family members you just have to keep tighter reigns on. LOL

Yasmin said...

Obama is not kicking him to the curb- he's family.

Sis we live in the US where people are not always rational...hehe...but I'm glad that Obama didn't disown Wright...as he said he can't disown Wright anymore than he can the Black race or his white grandmother!