Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Information Age

So, I'm in the shower this morning (where I do some of my best thinking) and I'm mulling over all the things my new Crackberry can do when it hits me. I no longer go to a book when I need to know something.

Think about it. Back in the day, when you needed a phone number, you pulled out the big ass yellow pages and let your fingers do the walking.

When you had to research something, you went to the library and used the card catalog and encyclopedias (remember those things?). And lots and lots of books on one subject. And let's not forget the micro-fiche if you needed a magazine article. I know my geekiness is showing. I have always had a love affair with the library.

When you wanted to know about a particular business or organization, you read their brochure, or some other sort of literature or propaganda.

When you needed directions, you pulled out an atlas or map. Some folks even used globes. Imagine that.

Nowadays,when you need info, turn on your computer or handheld device, and it's all there. We still let our fingers do the walking, but the terrain is usually a keyboard or touch pad (depending on the gizmo you are using)instead of paper.

I have to say, I don't go to the library as much as I used to, and I sure do miss it.


Yasmin said...

Gurl I hear you...I look everything on the computer...even tell the kids to...Lauren wants to know the meaning of a work...I send her to what did we do be pc, cell phones, ipods, digital cameras, gps! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Well we're geek's together. I luvvv my BlackBerry. Be sure to get 411BlackBerry on your device ( its our Yellow and White Pages as well as a GPS embedded on it) for FREE :)

Southern Diva said...

Choklaterain, girl, I got it all before I walked out the store. I love activating the GPS just so it will show me where I am. Girl, I told you I got it bad. And that 411 is DA BOMB!! Who knew. LOL

Southern Diva said...

Hey Yas, I can't even imagine what things will look like ten years from now. It's definitely a different world than when we were kids.

Anonymous said...

Google has become my best friend for information. If it ain't on google, it can't be found it

MIA said...
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Southern Diva said...

Sheila, girl, I am a Google junkie. Everything from g-mail, to blogger, to reader. You name it, I love it. And I only use google search.