Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

That is the song that a local R&B DJ played on the radio this evening in dedication to Barack Obama. I played it loud and sang along!

There is an air of excitement here. Folks understand that we are witnessing history- no matter the outcome. And we are ready. From the young to the old, the black to the white, the male to the female, South Carolina has made it's desires known.

To say I was sweating bullets is an understatement. I stayed away from local TV stations all day, I tried to nap, and just couldn't. Now, if you know me, you know that a nap on a cold, cloudy Saturday afternoon is like crack for me. Nothing could keep me from it. Couldn't do it. I ended up watching a movie instead.

The Diva in Training and I had dinner with The Man, and on our way back, my cell rings. It's my mom with the first precinct results. It was 7:10 and Barack had been declared the winner with only 1% of the precincts reporting. WTF? I was shocked beyond belief. I sat there and watched the primary results come in, getting more and more excited as the numbers grew steadily. There was joy in ChuckTown tonight.

Which got me to thinking, have ya'll been paying attention to the music on your radio stations lately?
- Yesterday on the way to work, the radio played No More Drama (ya'll know that's a former theme song of mine. I had not heard it on the radio in some time).
-This morning on the way to yoga, they played Optimistic. (Ya'll see where I'm going? This isn't a song you hear regularly on the radio these days either.)
-This evening on my way to dinner, just as I was getting off the phone with another Obama supporter and we were talking about the different ways this primary could pan out, Haters comes on.

Now, what is the likelihood of my fav theme songs each being played in the span of 24+ hours? Coincidence? I think not.

OK, OK, maybe I just need to keep my ass home, or start listening to more cds or my iPod in the car. LOL

The only other song I need to hear now is One Nation Under a Groove, and it's all over but the shouting.

Hmmm- looks like I'm getting my play list together for my house party.

Anyway, rock on Barack. South Carolina had your back today.


Yasmin said...

Yes sis SC had Obama's back...I'm really proud of this dirty south state!

Lena said...

Way to go, SC! Now I don't feel so bad about not being able to be there this weekend to canvas... I can't wait to visit, let's hope Florida follows their lead. BARACK THE VOTE - OBAMA '08