Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Pimpin' Ain't Easy

Since we're all friends here, let's talk about race, politics, and America...... Damn- ya'll hear that? That was the sound of folks clicking off this blog with a quickness. For those of you still here, I want to have an open discussion. I don't have all the answers. Actually, I don't have any answers at all. Shyet, I've got nothing but questions, but unless we start talking about it, there will be no resolution and no understanding. The single request that I have is that you proceed on with an open mind. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Pimpin' ain't easy. It ain't easy for Hillary, and it definitely ain't easy for Barack. Hillary has to define herself as a politician, outside of her role as wife and confidante to the beloved Bill Clinton. Sometimes she gets the roles confused. The Clinton camp wants us to know that a vote for Hillary is not a vote for the non-running Bill. I get that. But many black folks in America may not. The struggle for Hillary will be in not trying to ride her husband's coattails into the White House.

Barack on the other hand has to contend with so much more. He's got black folks complaining about the fact that he does not speak out on "race" issues. He has been accused of trying to "transcend" his race. Now, before I go any further, let us for a moment discuss the word "transcend". defines the verb transcend as:

1. to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: to transcend the limits of thought; kindness transcends courtesy.

2. to outdo or exceed in excellence, elevation, extent, degree, etc.; surpass; excel.

3. Theology. (of the Deity) to be above and independent of (the universe, time, etc.). –verb (used without object)

4. to be transcendent or superior; excel: His competitiveness made him want to transcend.

Let's just examine this word, in relation to Barack Obama. Shall we?

First of all, how in the hell is Barack going to rise above or go beyond his race? And let's define race for the purpose of this conversation as: an arbitrary classification of modern humans, sometimes, esp. formerly, based on any or a combination of various physical characteristics, as skin color, facial form, or eye shape, and now frequently based on such genetic markers as blood groups (again with the When he walks out of his door in the morning, does he get to leave the brown skin, thick lips, and kinky hair at home? I think not. Where he goes, it goes. It's the first thing non-African Americans notice when they meet him. It is a block to check on every legal form in the country. How does he transcend it? He doesn't seem the type to go for skin bleaching and then calling it vitiligo.

Second point: is it really that hard to outdo or exceed the current African American political leaders? Oh wait, there aren't any. Sorry folks, but the title of minister, pastor, community leader does not equate to experienced politician. Now I know I'm stepping on some toes with this one, but someone has got to say it. Politicians hold PUBLIC OFFICE. They are elected, even if it is rigged, and given a salary, perks, and kickbacks to move and shake things at the local, state, and national levels. Don't let me forget- the other way to hold public office is to be appointed by your shyster friend. I can march anywhere I want to at any time, and that still does not make me a POLITICIAN. That makes me a civil rights activist! Big fucking difference, and it is about time we learn this. So again, I ask, is it really that hard to EXCEED or outdo the current level of POLITICAL leadership in the African American community. Not so much. Whycome some of us are still holding on to the fact that leaders in our community HAVE to be ministers or preachers. I don't even go to church, so those folks can't get me to do shit. But that's just me. And don't think I don't know the historical perspective- I do. And I'll break it down for you another day. (You southern Baptists can stop praying for me, my God and I have an understanding.)

I won't talk about the theological use of the word. That's about the one thing no one is accusing Obama of.

Finally, I will say that why should he not want to meet the fourth definition of the word: to be superior or to excel? Who in their right mind would want someone representing them who is an underachiever? Oh, my bad, that's what we've been subject to for the last eight years, courtesy of the republican political machinery. We are complaining that the youth of today don't have ambition, don't have drive, don't want to improve their lot in life. Well, Barack Obama has chosen to excel, to strive for superiority, to do the damn thing. He could have continued on the wrong path and ended up in jail or dead. Instead, he decided to put to use the brains God gave him- and exceed the limits placed upon him by his environment and society. OK. Maybe if we as Americans decided to take this concept on as a national endeavor, Toyota would not be number one in car sales in these United States. I'm just saying.

I know I have only scratched the surface with this race and politics thing. There is so much more ground to cover. I just can't do it all in one sitting ya'll. I gotta give the devil his due so that I can pay my cable bill to keep my internet up. There is plenty more where this came from. Can you say Bob "I was talking about his community service" Johnson (are you fucking kidding me), invoking the name of MLK, Jr., and Tavis Smiley. Ok, ok, I'ma get off of Tavis- seriously. I really do like a lot of what he says and stands for. Seriously.

My questions for today: why is the minority candidate the only candidate required to address race? Do we not expect majority folks to do anything about racial disparities in this country? How come no one is accusing Hillary of trying to transcend her race? Is she not pandering to non-majority folks for their votes? I'm just saying.

I'll see ya'll tomorrow. Be kind with your comments, or not. I'll just delete the really nasty ones. Or not.


Yasmin said...

(You southern Baptists can stop praying for me, my God and I have an understanding.)

hehe and sis I don't have anything to add you know where I stand on this subject matter...right along side withcha!

your do or die sista!

Anonymous said...

Preach Sistah!

Anonymous said...

Gonna answer the questions because you're right, the surface has only been scratched here.

Why is the minority candidate the only candidate required to address race?

Yeah, why is that dammit! Maybe because(It's the first thing non-African Americans notice when they meet him.) Hmm, the first thing I noticed were that he looks a bit thin especially in dark suits. And his ears stick out a bit. Gosh and I'm non-African American, I should have noticed he was black first.

This answers the question in itself. We make race an issue. Can we really walk in each other's shoes? Can we really know what each other's opinions and biases are? No. And we won't even come close to understanding if we don't listen to each other as individuals, see each other as individuals and treat each other as individuals. But I will go on with my answer.

Because he really is the first minority to have a real chance at becoming the leader of our country. (Sorry Al, Sorry Jesse, didn't mean to dis ya guys) Because he has chosen to (exceed the limits placed upon him by his environment and society.) Because being a minority in this situation can be a threat to some people in the country and it can distract from the real thing of importance, that being - Obama could be the best president we have seen in a long long while given the chance. And I give the man his due for transcending himself above many people no matter their race.

Do we not expect majority folks to do anything about racial disparities in this country?

It's everyone's issue to address. Why place the responsibility on any single group? Don't rely on others or they will let you down if they don't meet your expectations.

How come no one is accusing Hillary of trying to transcend her race?
Don't worry, the folks who don't want to see a female president will think of something stupid to have her address too.

Let's just get the best person for the job into that job.

Southern Diva said...

Hey Yas and Dera! I know I can always count on ya'll to stop in. Sorry my post was so long.

Yasmin said...

Let's just get the best person for the job into that job.


Southern Diva said...

Thanks so much for stopping by. And you are right- let's get the best person for the job. I think that is Obama. I'm also with you when you say he is the first minority to have a real shot at the top job. I was in high school and college when Jesse ran in 84 and 88, and even then I had sense enough to know that you are not qualified for a job because you were in the movement. As for Sharpton, again, you are a community activist, not a politician. Sigh. But I digress.

We do indeed need honest, open, and respectful dialogue from all factions. Easier said than done, but one can always hope.

As for Hillary, she better sit up and take notice because if she were to actually get the nomination, those republicans have so much fodder from way back in the day on the Clintons that her head will spin. Sad but true. No one is safe. Folks better recognize and begin dealing with the issues. The republicans are like cornered animals right now. They got nothing to lose. They had a good run for the last eight years, so everything will be fair game for them. And we already know they don't take no prisoners- even amongst themselves.

Anonymous said...

Diva, I see you like yours straight up no chaser. I ain't mad at ya! In fact, I am totally with you on this one. I definitely don't believe in voting for someone just because they are Black, or female, or democratic- I look at their platform, their past track record, etc., Obama gets my vote not because he is Biracial like me (Diva, you know how I roll on that one! LOL)but because I feel he is the best candidate for the job. I also don't believe in mud slinging to support one candidate over another. Bob Johnson does not have to support Obama because he is Black. But Bob Johnson does not need to come out throwing mud at him either. I don't get what the deal is with folks like him and Tavis. My mom always told me if I didn't have something nice to say, keep my mouth shut. She also said that when you have to tear someone else down to make yourself look better, than you must be looking really, really ugly. LOL!! OK. I am rambling on, I have so many thoughts on this crap. I am just disappointed in Tavis, Bob Johnson and also with Hillary. The campaign was going smoothly until she truly felt threatened by Obama's presence in the ring, and they only way she can deal with it is getting down and dirty instead of sticking to political issues. I hate the focus on race, past drug use, abortion, and gay marriage, when we have much more important POLITICAL issues to deal with like education, health care, our sorry economy, our environment, etc. Obama's supporters, i.e. Oprah, stay above the pettiness, thank God. Sorry Diva, this is long, but this kinda shyet just pisses me off!

Lena said...

I agree with everything you said except for the comment about their being no political AA leaders...

Southern Diva said...

You got me in here rotflmao!

My mom always told me if I didn't have something nice to say, keep my mouth shut. She also said that when you have to tear someone else down to make yourself look better, than you must be looking really, really ugly.

I love it. And you are so right.

Southern Diva said...

Thanks Lena for the info. I'll check it out, and post it to my links section as well.

Anonymous said...

I have to say you are one blogger who doesn't cater to the crowd, you just put it out there. I like that. Keep it up, I plan on visiting this site often.

Southern Diva said...

Thanks Jastreb,
I'm glad that you like my style. I would love for you to visit as often as you can.