Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome To My World

Here I reign supreme: the queen Diva. A legend in my own mind. Long live the queen. Blah, Blah, Blah. 2008 is the year of my writing. You name it, I’m going to write it, or at least write about it. The world is an interesting place, and while I love to read (books, magazines, the internet, the back of cereal boxes, etc) I don’t see much out there reflecting my thoughts and interests as a Southern Diva. Oh sure, I can tell you how the white middle class male feels about the current state of world affairs- it’s everywhere: CNN, New York Times, local news broadcasts and papers, but anyone got a clue what a forty year old, African American, single mother from the south feels about the same? I didn’t think so. So, I decided to do it for myself. Take it or leave it. The choice is yours. I hope you’ll stick around long enough to tell me what you think.

And now, all about me! I’m divorced, mother of one, friend to many, lover of books (I may have mentioned that already) and movies, and a self-proclaimed runner. Since I’ve only been running consistently for the last six months or so, that one may not really count. I live in my head most of the time. Think Ally McBeal and the surreal moments she would have at the most inopportune times, and you have me. Sort of. Without the law degree, the borderline anorexia (not even close), and the wispy hair in serious need of some cream or gel to deal with the flyaways. Alas, I digress. That will happen a lot here. Get used to it. I’ve got a masters degree in counseling (yes, at one point I thought I could change the world), but I’m a manager in a social service agency. I prefer management to the counseling stuff. Shaking people until they do what you want them to is not considered best practice in the counseling field, and until it is, I’m not gonna do the counseling thing. (At least not for money, anyway. Friends and family- a whole ‘nother story). Of course, shaking has no place in the work place at all (as I am constantly reminding myself), but if you were the only woman on an executive management team, you would understand my desire to shake the stupidity out of others. I know, I know, an exercise in futility, but it would make me feel better, or at least a lot less pissed off. But no more work talk.

Here is what you will find plenty of on this blog:
· Lots and lots of references to all things southern. I’ll school you on the difference between iced tea and sweet tea, the proper use of the term ya’ll, and whining about the heat.
· Socio-political commentary. ‘Cause it’s what I do. Opinions are like ass holes, everyone’s got one.
· Occasional cussin’. Or cursing. Choose whichever one suits you. Please don’t be offended. It’s the defiant behavior I didn’t engage in as a teen coming out. I’m what you call a late bloomer. I promise to keep it in check and use it only when necessary. But you need to know that it will be used.
· Pop culture commentary. I know you didn’t think I wasn’t gonna mention Michael Jackson on the cover of Ebony last month. Did anyone get the name of THAT makeup artist? I mean really- His Weirdness looked totally lovely, in a freaky sort of way.
· Posts about health and fitness because at 40 I’m trying to get fit and stay healthy.
· Stories about the Diva in Training. That’s my 12 year old. And she is a riot! And that’s when she’s not getting on my one good nerve because she’s 12. You can add my friends, family, and lover to that as well. Sometimes you just have to share the madness.
· Whatever tickles my fancy. That might cause some folks who know me to shiver, but since you don’t, it’s all good.

Here is what you won’t find on this blog:
· Lots and lots of sports talk (unless some athlete did something really stupid and it’s all over the news, and that then makes it pop culture. See what I did there?)
· Me ever agreeing with a conservative. OK, I won’t say it will NEVER happen, but Hell will freeze over first. Or I win the lottery and suddenly realize that my only job in life is to keep the government’s hands off my money. Looks like we’re safe.
· My life outlined for you on a day-by-day basis. That crap is boring as hell. This is about entertainment, not reality.
· Can’t think of much else, so I guess that means that everything else is fair game.

And finally, in case you were wondering, “Are you kidding me?” is my standard response to stupidity. I have found myself saying it a lot lately. Seriously. Politics, work stuff, Britney Spears, no new Grey’s Anatomy or Private Practice in the foreseeable future. (Heavy sigh! Off with the heads of these studio and network presidents/CEOs. Stop being so freakin’ greedy and give the writers their due. Reality TV is not good for me. More about that later.)

So that’s all I can think of for now. I’ll be here Monday thru Friday every week, giving it to you straight. Holla at me and let me know what you think.


Dera Williams said...

Hey Diva,
I like, I like. Go on Southern girl. As a born in the south, raised in Cali but feel close to the south, I want to hear it all. I love that you jumped out into it in 2008. Which reminds me, I started a blog last summer and I need to get on it. Love your wit and wisdom.

Love ya,


Southern Diva said...

Thanks for coming by Dera! I'm glad you like the blog. And send me the link to yours. Reading blogs is one of my favorite things to do.