Monday, January 28, 2008

Six Degrees of Oprah

Here is an article from the New York Times regarding Edward Kennedy and his support.

Now after reading this, I have just two points to make:

1. The Clintons must be mad as a hatter right about now. They had successfully managed to keep Rep. Jim Clyburn (from South Carolina) from endorsing Obama, who ended up giving Clinton a beat down in the SC anyway. And now this?

2. Barack Obama has proven that he is no neophyte. He understands the moving and shaking that needs to go on before the announcement to run ever happens- hence, the mentoring and meetings with Kennedy. Do not sleep on this man, ya'll. He is proving every day that not only does he understand the system, he understands how to move within it. And when you have that knowledge, you understand how to change it (or take it down, if need be). Hence, the distress of the Clintons right about now.

Now, I know you are wondering what in the world this all has to do with Oprah Winfrey. Well, let's just take a stroll down history and who-knows-who lanes, shall we?

Oprah Winfrey met and befriended Maria Kennedy Shriver Schwarzennegger back in her Baltimore days. They are bosom buddies- real friends, not these fake Hollywood friends- they visit each other's homes, break bread together, shop and girl talk. Oprah is in with the family. Ya'll feel me?

Now, Oprah has supported Obama in every way- throwing soirees on his behalf, stumping in Iowa, SC, and New Hampshire. Telling folks that she really believes in this man. She has never publicly endorsed a candidate before.

Also, while I'm sure that Obama would have bumped into Kennedy here and there in the Senate, would Kennedy have been inclined to take the time out to mentor and advise the young whippersnapper so early into his Senate career?

I'm just saying. Ya'll do the math.

I hereby dub Oprah Gail Winfrey the new King (or at least President) Maker. Bet ya'll didn't see that one coming.

Stay tuned for the next episode of the Political Restless. Anything can happen. Don't you just love it.


Yasmin said...

I love it Political Restless and you broke it down sis...I have a friend who wonders who Obama knows...and just where is the money coming from for his campaign. Obama is a very intelligent man and while many were sleeping he has quitely been shaking and moving. As long as the contributions are doesn't matter to me where he's getting the funding. I'm just happy that he's getting it and still in the race.

Anonymous said...

I've been telling folks not to sleep on Obama. He's risen to this level in a short period of time and he got someone powerful behind him. The race ain't over until its over.