Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I know I've been promising to write about passion for some time, but every time I sat down to do it, some other, more interesting or pressing topic came up. So, finally, I get to talk about passion.

Not that stuff that has you doing things you never thought you'd do in a sexual way. Maybe I'll cover this another time. On second thought, definitely not. Some things just have to go to the grave with you.

I'm talking about the passion that reinvigorates your love for life. I have been in social services for twenty years (oh my goodness). I've been able to do it because I have a passion for it. Not that bright eyed, bushy tailed, fresh out of college desire to help others passion. Nope. It's more of a- some folks aren't going to want it, but if I can just plant a seed for change, it will be there when they need it- type of service.

I fell into my passion. I was supposed to go to law school, but got married and postponed it. Of course, you know how that goes. You just don't go at all. Not once have I regretted it. Instead, I was a newlywed with her sheepskin hot off the presses. I didn't have a clue what to do with my liberal arts degree. My mother advised me to get a "good government job" because that's what black folks did back in her day. So, I took her advice and went down to my local department of human services (remember, this was 20 years ago), took a test, interviewed, and got a job. The rest is history.

People used to notice the passion I had for my work. Not so much anymore. I used to love to have the day pass in a frenzy of activity, with a mountain of paperwork remaining on my desk to take home because I would feel like I had accomplished something. It was great in it's heyday.

The last couple of years, my passion for this is waning. We normally call it burn out. It's time for me to do something different. For years, I have waxed poetic about what it would be like to be a full time writer. The trouble is, I was doing more talking than writing.

I started this year with a very small goal in mind. Write something at least five days a week. A blog was a great way to get started. So I did that.

What I found was that the best part of my day is when my fingers are flying over the keyboard, letting my thoughts out for the world to see, if they choose to look. After my blog, I feel exhilarated. I feel content. And what I have found is that I am already thinking about what I'll write about next.

So this month has been a big experiment for me. I needed to see if this was really what I wanted to do ( a resounding yes). And would I be committed (another yes).

Which has led me to decide that beginning Feb. 1, I will start my journey to complete my first novel. I have had many starts and stops, but now it's time to let the rubber meet the road. Since I can't hook my brain up to my computer and let the story write itself, I have to sit down and do it.

I am committing myself to writing 1000 words a day. When it's done, it's done. I'll think about the next phase when I have a completed manuscript.

So, what's your passion? Have you ever considered switching careers in mid-stream? What would you do if money were no object? How do you keep the dream alive?

Can't wait to read your responses.

Find and live your passion. Right now is as good a time as any.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on following up with your passion. I don't have one atm but I know how hard it is to find time even if someone likes to do something and sticking to it can be another challenge. Hopefully you have good support to help you continue since you have a number of consistant readers I see. Good Luck and good job so far.

Southern Diva said...

Thanks mucho gahiji. You are right, it is hard to do it. The people in my life will have to understand. And I'll have to watch less television, which isn't so hard right now thanks to the writers strike. LOL

Yasmin said...

I am so happy that you're pursuing your literary dream. This is good news.

Yes I switched careers in midstream. Went from accounting to marketing. And I'm ready to do it again...but I've got to make sure it's profitable.

My passion of course is the literary arena. If I could quit my job and do what I wanted to do today I would have a radio and TV show and would/interview/promote authors who write about the African disapora.

I keep the dream alive via APOOO! One day I hope that it will be more than a dream...a reality that I can make money pursuing my vocation as a profession rather than just a hobby.

Right now it looks acheivable as APOOO is actually providing me a small income every week! $100s of dollars today...$1000 of dollars tomorrow!

If you can dream it you can achieve it!

CapCity said...

thanx to Yasmin @ APOOO for leading me here! Miz CD - u been peeking into my life's window? I, TOO am a fledgling runner! I, TOO left a secure field (teaching) cuz I no longer had the passion for it. I actually should thank a Crazy AZZ "boss" b'cuz I refused to continue to endure his abuse! But, even when I went to interview at other schools I just was not "feeling" it. So, I started blogging! Now, a li'l over a year later I am excited to announce that my first work of fiction is featured in a newly published collection of short stories:

Bloggers' Delight, vol. 1 !! I am a WITNESS that with God all things are possible! I'm still searching for employment - but one day, SOON I know that I'll be writing, consulting & guest speaking FULL time!

Hugz to ya CD, Yasmin & to all who are stepping out on Faith to live the PASSIONATE life!

Southern Diva said...

Yas- gurl! You are doing it. I love the direction life if taking you. I can't wait to see what happens next with you. Keep on keeping on.

Southern Diva said...

Welcome to my blog Capcity! Congrats on your first book. Keep doing your thing. A happy person makes the world a better place. And hats off to you for teaching. It's a tough job, and not for the faint of heart.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on moving forward and doing something you want to do. Hold on to that passion and write on sister.

Southern Diva said...

Thanks Sheila. I'm going to keep hanging in there.