Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This is my third attempt at this blog today. I was not going to talk about politics and New Hampshire. I was going to prattle on and on about running and exercise and how it makes me feel. But for some reason, the words just wouldn't flow. How can I not mention Big Willie calling Obama a "fairytale", or Obama responding by taking the high road and acknowledging the frustrations that the Clinton camp was surely experiencing, or how when Michael Eric Dyson's wife (who's name escapes me right now- I do apologize) was asked to talk about Hillary Clinton's political experience when she called into the Michael Baisden radio talk show, floundered and stumbled, and never could provide a direct answer. I wasn't going to write about any of that today. I don't want ya'll getting bored with my political views. But seriously guys, how could I not? This stuff is better than watching the soaps to me.

I need to warn you in advance, with this being an election year, national politics is my thing. It's the Superbowl for nerds like me. I love the debates, the debauchery, and the drama. When my candidate is on top, I'm riding high with him. When he slips in the polls, or is hit with some BS, I'm also with him. I send out positive vibes on the mental airwaves to support him and bolster him when needed. I follow his comings and goings because I have a vested interest in the outcome. Apparently, there are folks all over the country waking up and smelling the coffee as well. I remember some of this from the 1992 elections. I was a 20something and this guy named Bill Clinton was trying to get the Reaganites out of Washington (and we all know Bush Sr. was just an extension of the Reagan era), and the republicans were probably feeling very much like most folks are feeling now after eight years of Clinton- we gotta get him out of there and do something different. But this is serious business ya'll.

There is so much Obama hatin' going on because he has done what others could not- both democrat and republican alike. He has awakened young folks, old folks, the disenfranchised, disillusioned, and the apathetic. He's got people saying to the establishment: "We're tired of this BS, and we are not going to take it anymore". And just how did he do that? By offering a message of hope, change, and inclusion. Say what you like, but America's melting pot ain't all that. I live in the south. You want to see racism and segregation? Come to Charleston for a visit. Ride down Meeting street. You'll get a real view of the haves and have nots, and you won't ever have to leave that one street. Mama an 'nem are just as tired of Bush, Cheney, and pals as the blue bloods who lunch downtown. The impending recession is hitting us all. And if you ask me, we are already in a recession, they just haven't labeled it as such yet. Oh, you didn't ask me.

Obama has reminded us that we have a choice. We can pick business as usual, or we can take a chance on some new blood. Ya'll know which camp I'm in. You keep doing what you do, you'll keep getting what you get.

New Hampshire was not a bust for Obama. It actually let folks know that the ENTIRE country is sitting up and taking notice, and that democrats and republicans better begin to address the needs of the people, or they are yesterday's news.

See ya'll tomorrow. I'll scour the entertainment rags tonight and see what the celebs are up to. I'm sure someone's done something stupid I need to address. :-)


Yasmin said...

This stuff is better than watching the soaps to me.

Yea it is...and sis I love it that you're so enthused about it...keep on doing what you're doing cause I'm going over to Myspace to pimp your blog and get some folks to come over here and read what you got to say because what you're saying..."It's a serious matter" and we need to wake up and listen or challenge you if we have a better solution.
You know I'm down with you...your ride or die chick...hehe.

Southern Diva said...

LOL. Thanks Yas! You know I am open to any and all intelligent responses. I just want to get folks thinking for and talking amongst themselves. Everyday folks have been quiet too long. I want to make some noise and let the politicians know that folks are watching them.

Thanks for continuing to show up! I'll keep sharing my thoughts, as crazy as they can get.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am here courtesy of Yasmin's pimping lol!
This was such a thorough blog you put together and right on point!
Oh and I think Mike's wife's name is Marcella or something close to that...either way, she sometimes needs to leave the discussions and theories to her hubby.
Once again, great blog!

Southern Diva said...

Thanks for stopping by Anonymous! I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Come back and see me when you get a chance.