Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Get A Theme Song

I know it’s the beginning of a new year, and everyone is thinking about resolutions, goals, and fresh starts. Time to do things differently. Start the year off with a clean slate and all that jazz. Uh huh. For me, that lasts for about three good days, and then I can’t remember what all the fuss was about. I simply stopped making resolutions a few years ago. And nothing bad happened as a result. The world didn’t stop spinning on its axis because I didn’t get on the self-improvement wagon. No one seemed to notice or care that I hadn’t changed my eating habits or started working out. Instead of listing resolutions, I decided to pick a theme song. I have Mary J. Blige to thank for this. Her “No More Drama” cd had been out for a while, and come that following January, I thought it was an appropriate way to kick off the year. It’s funny, but I can’t even remember all the so-called drama I was experiencing at the time, but I can remember feeling empowered about taking a stand. I only needed that theme song until the spring, and then it was on to something else.

Two years ago, I woke up on January 1st with Jill Scott’s “Golden” playing in my head. My girlfriend Trina called me later in the day to wish me a happy new year, and told me about the song she heard first thing that morning. You got it- “Golden”. We adopted it for our theme song. It was a sign from above that things were gonna be different for us that year. It sort of was. Trina got a contract with a dream employer and even got married that year. So again, a very appropriate song. I can’t think of anything traumatic happening for me, so I guess I can’t complain either.

Over the seasons, theme songs come and go for me. The one constant song that I have is “Optimistic” by The Sounds of Blackness. Think Aresenio Hall late night, large gospel group (like thirty something of them folks on stage), Kent cloth, and Ann Nesby, and you’ve got it. I love this song. It just does it for me. When I’m stressed out and ready to hurt somebody, it calms me, when I’m discouraged and needin’ a push, it motivates me. When I’m in a good mood and just in need of some good music, it does the trick. One year, I played this song so much that my staff could tell what kind of mood I was in based on how loud the music was playing as they walked by my office. It was kinda crazy at the office, what can I say.

Your theme song should make you happy. Your theme song should get you jump started. Your theme song should let folks know exactly where you are coming from. Currently, when I get fed up with office politics as usual, I make my way home with Jill Scott’s “Haters”. I love that line where she sings: “I’m gonna do me, don’t be mad, Babyyyy!” Absolutely love it. When I’m running and need that extra push to finish or I find that I am making every excuse in the book about why I don’t have time to write, “Lose Yourself” by Eminem is my power song (thanks Nike+).

Just like a certain style of dress, or hairstyle, your theme song should represent your personality. I found a pink Sak leather handbag that I totally loved years ago. I wore that puppy out. I loved it because it added color to my totally neutral, all the time wardrobe. I didn’t have to worry about it because it stood out and I got great compliments on it. It quickly became my trademark with friends and co-workers. That is what a good theme song should be. When you hear your theme song, the bad-ass you, or the funky you, or the sexy you should be high steppin’ it in the room. You are telling folks that you are here, and get on board or get out of the way. You ain’t takin’ no mess.

So instead of thinking about all that is wrong in your life, or all the stuff that can or should be different (and let’s face it ya’ll, for some of us, that’s a lot), think about what song represents where you are going, what you want out of life, or what you currently hold near and dear. I’m hard enough on me as it is. I gotta remember to focus on the positive. Take the mind and the body will follow. I can’t remember who said that, but it is so true. When I begin to play my theme songs, my mind switches gears, and my body responds. I can’t ask for more than that.

What’s your theme song gonna be for the week, the month, the year? Have fun and hit me up with your choices. I’m always looking for a good song.


Anonymous said...

You already know it -
"My Way" written by Paul Stanley

I know this site will be great! You have all of my support.

Love ya!
Your man

Yasmin said...

Hey Your man...
Okay theme song I need one...haven't found it yet...but now that you've put the bug in my head I will definitely be on the lookout for one...what a great thought!

Dera Williams said...

Hey Djuanna,
Another great column. Girl, I think you have found your forte'.
Last night my daughter called me and she said, call your cell phone. I said oh, lord what has she done? Saw I called my cell from the home phone and there was Corrine Bailey Rae singing, Girl, put your records on. Play your favorite songs, let your hair down."
Of course this song has been out for going on two years but I can't think of a better "theme" song. I love CBR's CD and still play it along with my new stuff. I am in a new place, God has blessed me and 2008 will be my year of travel and writing. I think I will keep that theme song.