Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The End...

On January 1st of this year, I started this blog.  The intent was to get me writing on a regular basis.  

Mission accomplished.  Not only am I now writing regularly, I actually have a website for my stories, and I am a weekly blogger at APOOO.    

It's time that I turn more of my attention to my fiction writing.  Which means that I will have less time to play here at Are You Kidding Me.

But, you can still find me every Friday at APOOO for my take on mid-life stuff.

And of course, you can find me at Diva Fiction Bytes, if you are interested in fiction, my thoughts on the writing life, books, movies, or whatever else comes to mind.  

Thanks for checking me out, and helping me immerse myself into the writing world.  

Have a great 2009.  See ya' around the web.  

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh Happy Day!




My MacBook and my Blackberry are now friends.  I can sync my music, calendars, contacts, etc!!!!  Yay me.  Thank you to Apple for the latest updates that allowed this wonderful union!  

Monday, December 15, 2008


Don't seem to have any creative juices flowing this morning.  May take my notebook and go people watch at Starbucks or Panera's until my muse decides to come back home.  Sigh.  

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Setting My Intentions

I don't do resolutions.  I mentioned that waaayyyy back in January when I started this blog.  I simply don't need another thing on my To Do list.

I do set intentions for the new year.  And no, in my book, this is not the same as goal setting.

Intention setting is what I want to "be about" for the coming year.  

In 2009, I intend to be consistent.  

  • Being consistent in my relationships will ensure that my family knows that even though I am spending a lot of time pursuing my entrepreneurial endeavors, they are still my top priority. 
  • Being consistent with exercise will help me drop a few pounds, find my waistline, and a live a healthier life.
  • Being consistent professionally will allow me to establish my reputation as a business owner and grow my business. 
If you want to know more about intention setting, check out Christine Kane's blog

Friday, December 12, 2008

Soulful Christmas

If you are in the Christmas spirit, check out my post over at APOOO today.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Man Shopping...

I wrote this piece today to post on my website.  And then I got a message from Charmaine wanting new material.  Well, here it is.  

The setup:  a woman has a best friend who is always on the look out for relationship material for her single friend.

The backstory:  my BFF Adrienne used to do shit like this to me all the time.  Now that I have been "happily committed" for the last two years, she is now on a mission to get me hitched.  

Enjoy.  Tell me if your friends are as nuts as mine.  

BTW, Adrienne did indeed call me at home one Saturday to tell me about some guy she was checking out in the grocery store for me.  And she did indeed get his card.  Sigh.  I can't make this shit up.  LOL

I present:  Man Shopping.

I have always wanted a BFF.  Like Oprah and Gail.  Batman and Robin.  Ethel and Lucy.  What I got instead, was Adrienne.  The woman who had decided that it was her mission in life to get me dating, married, and mommied before all of my eggs dried up.

Adrienne was a “by the book” kind of person.  Meet the love of your life while still in high school.  Check.  Attend state university and get that degree in business.  Check.  Get married to high school sweetheart one year after college graduation.  Check.  Buy the house with the white picket fence (I’m not kidding).  Check.  Have twins within a year of moving into Picket Fence House.  Check.  Hound your BFF every year for not keeping up.  Check.

I am more of a free spirit.  Enough with the rules and the sheep mentality.  I did the business degree, and the MBA, and spent a few years working for The Man.  I decided working for me was a lot more fun.

Here are a few things that I believe:

·      That it is perfectly ok to live in a condo (no repair issues or yard work to contend with.  That’s what you pay all that money in association fees for.) 

·      Never getting married and not having kids (or even pets for that matter) is ok. 

·      Marriage is all about the subjugation of women (but that’s just me).

·      Best friends are the biggest meddlers on the planet.

Still, with all of these differences, Adrienne and I have been friends for a long time. She’s the youngest of seven; I’m the oldest of five.  We were born nine months apart (she’s older) so befriending and bossing me was a way to throw her weight around, since she was always being told what to do by six older sisters.  We “get” one another in a very real way.  I get that she will never stop trying to make my life a cookie cutter version of her own.  She gets that it is in my nature to go against the establishment for no apparent reason (her words, not mine). 

Which means that I am always being subjected to set-ups, blind dates, and “look who I ran into” situations.  I mean really, I know you guys remember the The Date I had just a couple of weeks ago with the Urban Narcissus. 

And I am no longer surprised at what Adrienne does.  She actually believes that the right man will change my mind about marriage and parenting.  Whatever. 

That’s why it came as no surprise to have this conversation at 9:30 on a Saturday morning:

Adrienne:  Hey Girl, what are you doing?

Me:  Nothing.  Drinking some tea and trying to figure out what I am going to do with my day.

Adrienne:  Umm.  I’m at Publix.  Why don’t you run over here and help me pick out a cake for dinner tomorrow?

Me:  What?  Help you pick out a cake for Sunday dinner?  What’s up?  Is the President coming to dinner? 

Adrienne:  Hold on. 

I hear lots of mumbling with a few words coming in, then fading out:

            on the phone with … trying to… stubborn…

Me:  Adrienne!  What the hell is going on?  Who are you talking to?

Adrienne:  Hold on- just give me a minute.

(To the person at the store:  Finish your shopping.  It should take her about ten minutes.) 

Me:  Adrienne- who are you talking to?  What is going on?

Adrienne:  Look.  I need you to put on something cute, but casual, and meet me in the parking lot at Publix in about ten minutes.  I’ve got someone I want you to meet.

Me:  Someone you want me to meet?  This morning?  At Publix?  What the hell?

Adrienne:  Look, he’s really cute.  I met him in the juice aisle.  He was trying to decide on the V-8 or the cranberry juice.  We started talking, and I told him about you.  And I told him that I could get you here in a few minutes so he could check you out.  Girl, he runs his own business- I knew you would like that.  He’s an accountant, so he should be good with money.  He’s got a nice body, and….  Oh shoot.  Wait.  He’s getting in line with his cart.  Now you have five minutes.

Me:  Goodbye Adrienne.  I’m not coming down to the grocery store to meet some dude.  You have really lost your mind.

Adrienne:  Girl, he is FIONE!  I am going to give him your business card.  I got his already.  You need to come see him.

Me:  Bye Adrienne.  Finish your shopping and then go back to the nuthouse.  I can’t believe they let you out.

Adrienne:  And I can’t believe you are going to miss this opportunity.  How are you ever going to get a man if you…


Really.  There is only so much a person can take.  And I’m not even mad.  After all, she is my best friend. 



Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another Saturday...

I just can't seem to get my butt in gear today.  I've been up for hours.  Had plans to read, run, and do a little writing.  Instead, I wasted an obscene amount of time surfing the net.  As if I don't already do that all week long.  Now I'm doing on the weekends?  Sheesh.

Going to shower and the girl and I are heading over to The Man's for an afternoon of the following:

movie matinee
the library
the Apple store (as in Macs and iPods)
dinner- probably Mexican or wings
ice cream while watching DVDs on The Man's HUGE 50something inch flat screen in his man cave.  

Sounds like a good time will be had by all.  

And if you are on the net all day, pop over to APOOO and check out my post Gifting Yourself.  Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Can't We All Just Get Along?

My two favorite things don't like each other.  Yes, my Blackberry Curve and my MacBook are not the best of friends.  They are not even associates.  The don't speak to each other at all right now, and I am so upset about it.  

I downloaded software from the Blackberry website to facilitate communication in this relationship.  No dice.  My newer MacBook just isn't trying to hear what the Blackberry is saying. 

I went outside the family and sought assistance from a professional (i.e, bought the Missing Sync).  Again, they refuse to play with one another.  They guys are just currently not compatible, and they may not be for a long time. And that makes me sad.

But I'm not giving up.  I'll continue to try to make this relationship work.  It must.  For my professional and personal sanity- it will.  


Friday, November 28, 2008

Diva Fiction Bytes

I am very happy to announce the launch of my new website DivaFictionBytes.

Stop by and check things out when you get a chance. Read the Freebies, leave a comment, tell a friend!

Blog Pimpin...

It's Friday after Thanksgiving.  I'm having a leisurely morning in the bed with the computer- just checking out the blogs and places I haven't had a chance to visit in a while.  And I have noticed something very interesting... 

It appears that there is a new way to have ads on your blogs- between the posts.  Now, I don't know how long this has been happening, but since it's new to me- I'll call it new. How annoying. Is everyone now blogging just to make money?  What happened to blogging because it was fun and you could say what you want, about your favorite topic (or your navel lint), and because it was fun (I know.  I said that already.)
But, what do I know?  I complained when PDAs and cell phones copulated and produced "smart phones".  And now I'm hooked on the Crackberry.  

Monday, November 24, 2008

Commuter Woes

This morning I got up and tripped over the laundry on my way across the hall to my office.  

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Holidays are Coming!

That means that I can eat, sleep, read, and watch television all I want.  Yep.  That's what I do during the holidays.  I don't shop (until the absolute end so that I can catch the sales).  My decorations are few (a 4 foot tree- so I don't have to do much trimming.  Stockings hanging from the mantle and I'm done.  No outside lights and all that jazz).  My parties are few and far between.  

DIT and I play board games,  The Man and I curl up on the sofa with movies and the remote, and the dog wanders up and down the hall from one favorite sleep spot to the next.  What more could you ask for?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Energizer Bunnies...

is the title of my post over at APOOO today.  

Have a great weekend.  


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Permission to read Fiction...

Late last night, I had a phone call from my online buddy Laurel.  We talked about work, politics, reading and much more.  And during that conversation Laurel suggested that I write a blog giving folks permission to read fiction.

Now, this may sound odd, when you hear it, but I instantly got where she is coming from.  

I am an avid fiction reader, but lately, with my journey into self-employment, I have been reading more business blogs, and even went to the library last weekend to get books marketing, startups, and branding.  And let's not forget all of the news that I get from online newspapers. 

As a writer of fiction, I want to hear that folks are out there reading it.  I mean really, I'm not writing this stuff for myself.  OK, well maybe I am.  But I still want others to read it.  

So, here are a few reasons you should get your hands on fiction of your choice:

1.  Fiction allows you to escape from your present situation.  You can go to England or Spain or Russia, or where ever.

2.  You can learn about just about any subject and you won't feel like you are in a classroom. Many writers spend untold amounts of time researching topics just so they can get it right in their stories.  

3.  It's a great way to spend "me time".  Folks generally tend to leave you alone when you have a book in your hands.

4.  If you see yourself in one of the characters, you don't have to admit it to anyone (unless you want to).

5.  Fiction is a great way to cure boredom.  If you're lucky, you can lose track of time, and wish that the book would never end.

6.  You will make some writer very happy.

There are other reasons to read fiction, but I think you should pick up a good book and begin your own list.  You'll be glad you did.  

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Git 'er done!

That is the mindset that I am in.  I am ready to get my website stuff done so that I can begin concentrating on the launch of my business.  Which means that I will be focusing on marketing, on top of writing the best stories that I can.  And I have to say- I'm feeling really good about things.

I'm sure reality will rear it's ugly head and try to kick my ass.  LOL

Until then, back to work for me.  

And, yes, I know my pic is one of celebration.  I'm just acting as if I'm already where I want to be.  This is counselor stuff.  Sheesh!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Being Your Own Boss...

means saying no to things that are not helping you move your business forward.

No- I'm not going to the fair.  
No- I'm not going to watch tv.  I'll DVR everything for the weekend.
No- I'm not going to surf the net today- unless it's work related ( :-) )
No- I'm not having lunch with the Divas today- I'll catch up with them next week.
No- I'm not going to kick up the leaves in the yard 'cause it's so much fun.  Besides, there will be more if I wait a few days.

When my To Do list is shorter, they I will say yes to the things listed above (except the fair, 'cause I really hate the fair, and it's gone now anyway), and much more.

And that's how it goes when you are running your own business.  

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mac Daddy

The Man did it.  He went ahead and bought a Mac.  

He loves it.  I know he does.

Now we have to figure out how to use video chat.  You know, for the times when one of us is traveling.  I'm just saying.

Friday, November 7, 2008

APOOO Friday

Today's post at APOOO.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Lessons Learned

First, I want to commend John McCain on a most gracious speech last night conceding the race.  I suspect that this is the man that folks have seen in the past.  I wish we had seen more of him during the presidential campaign.  His angry, disconnected representative was not cool.

Having said that, I hope that the nation (and especially the Republicans) has learned a few things.  Like:

- every vote does indeed count
-this country is diverse. You can't ignore millions of people (consider them on the "fringes") and think that you will get elected
-you cannot ignore the needs of the people.  Pretending that the economy is good doesn't make it so
-even if your team doesn't win, you have to remain part of the process.  Lasting change is internal, not external

The people have spoken.  Now we have to get our asses to work.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack Obama...

is the 44th president of the United States of America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I am here to see it, my mother is here to see it, and my daughter has watched the entire process from the very beginning. It is truly a beautiful thing.  

Election Day (and night)...

Total time to vote:  3 hours and 40 minutes.  In the chilly, misty air.  It has never taken me longer than an hour to vote.  But, I would do it again if need be.

I want to thank the following musicians for seeing me through the first two and a half hours:

Alicia Keys
Elton John
Kenny Loggins
Corrine Bailey Rae

I listened to inflammatory remarks made by McCain supporters (self-identified) and did not blow my top.  And once I voiced that one of the things I love about being American is free speech, even for stupid people, that conversation took a drastic turn for the quiet.  LOL

And now, I am switching between ABC and CNN as I follow the election results.  And my heart is racing.  It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.  And I will be closely watching until she does.  

Sunday, November 2, 2008


So, I did it again.  Bought another gadget.  Actually, this time I traded up.  Well, I didn't really trade anything, but I moved from PC to Mac.  Yep, I bought me that shiny new silver uni-body laptop.  13 inches.  Cute and portable.  All that I need and more.

The Gadget Ho in me is very happy.

I've had MacBaby for about two weeks, and I am really starting to get the hang of all things Mac (ok, many things Mac). Like how to close the browser, change stuff around, etc.  It seemed harder at first, but now it just is what it is.  And I love the feel of the keyboard.  Really, it's like soft.  I don't know how else to explain it.  

And this morning, The Man and I were enjoying our extra hour with a leisurely conversation in bed when he got on MacBaby to check his fantasy basketball.  And I was like "Oh, check out GarageBand" ('cause he writes and records his own music).  And he fell in love instantly.

Hey- it's not my fault that Apple makes stuff that people love.  And, I didn't know that GarageBand could replace half a room of music equipment. 

I think that Mac may be having a new convert soon.  

Looks like MacMama may be creating a MacFamily.  LOL.  I just crack myself up. 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Skin Deep...

was my post yesterday at APOOO.

Check it out, and leave a comment.

I'm trippin' on the Real Housewives of Atlanta. 

Business News

My website is moving along.  In fact, the slowest cog in the whole thing is me.  That's because I now have to produce.  My business is my image is my words.  All morning, I have been mulling over the "About" page in my head.  This is where one would think things would be really simple.  Tell the folks who you are and what you do.  But for me, it is so much more than that. This is where I will tell folks why I do what I do.  Just makes me more vulnerable on a whole 'nother level.  There is no earth shattering tale to tell, but it gives people a glimpse of my inner workings.  And that can be scary- for me at least.

So, me and my writer angst are gonna go get back to work.  I've got a business to start.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Michael Jackson's Thriller

OK, so I'm back from my work travels and decided to spend the morning cleaning out the inbox.  After that, I did a little surfing, and lock and behold, what do I find on iTunes?

Michael Jackson's Thriller (cd/album/whatever) and the extended version video for 4.99.  OHMIGOODNESS!  I screamed like a 13 year old seeing Chris Brown in person.  

So, now I've got to get my iTunes up and running on my new Mac so that I can download the MJ classic before it goes off sale.  LOL.

I have had all kinds of high school flashbacks since seeing that ad.  Come on, ya'll know you were all doing that little dance with your leather jacket (red or black, of course) and your one white glove.  And let's not forget the high water pants with penny loafers and white socks.  Sigh.  I wasn't on the Jheri-Curl bandwagaon, but I did have my hair set on rods so that it could be really curly and "look like" MJ's.  

OK.  Gonna go sit down now.  

Monday, October 27, 2008


Thank God it's almost here.  There is nothing left to be said or done.  It has been a long, hard road, and the American people are ready to cast votes and move the country forward.  Enough with the discussin' and get to the doin' of things that will improve lives, improve the economy, improve the way we treat and are treated by our neighbors.  

Idealistic?  Yes!  But we all know that things change when someone decides to do just one thing differently.  

November 4th can't come quick enough.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hotel View

My hotel room has a fabulous view of the beach.  I can't wait to get out and go for a run.  My new promise to me is to take advantage of each hotel with great scenery.  I'm going to get out, about, and take lots of pictures.  Really, I am.  LOL

Pics to come.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


has been busy.  Just got back from ATL and heading out to Myrtle Beach for a conference tomorrow.  By Thursday, things will be slow and quiet, and I will be able to return to a normal pace. 

I'm putting plans in motion for the writing gig, and will even have a website up in a couple of weeks.  I am very excited about how this is all coming together.  

I know that the economy is bad around the world, and that we don't know what the next four years are going to bring, and on and on and on.  I just know that right now, I am doing what I am supposed to be doing.   I feel that every day.  

We have to keep pressing forward, even when things look like they are falling down around us.  So, I'm moving on with my plans.  With my eyes wide open, of course.  

Friday, October 24, 2008

APOOO Friday

It's APOOO Friday, so you'll find me over there talking about the Right Fit.  

In the meantime, I'm in ATL for a meeting.  Lots of blogging to come.  Seriously.  There is so much going on.  

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fridays at APOOO

It's Friday, which means I have a post up at APOOO. Check it out when you get the chance. Let me know what you think?

Happy Friday

Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday APOOO Blog

Check out my weekly blog at APOOO (

This week's post is called The Power of Fear (

I'm there every Friday, and I'll be posting the link here.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mike and Suzanne work for Diddy and Jerrell goes home.

Ok, so before I start this post, I am going to admit that I may need reality tv rehab.

Diddy surprised me by choosing both Mike and Suzanne. To be honest, it would have been a hard choice for me. They each had very different strengths that would benefit any organization. I was very pleased with the ending. I wanted to hate the show. I really did. But I just couldn't. I could not believe some of the stuff these folks were willing to put themselves through just to work for this man. And it kept me coming back for more each week. Fascinating.

And Project Runway sent Jerrel home yesterday. UGH! I really wanted him and Korto to make it to Bryant Park, but I have to admit that his wedding gown and bridesmaid dress were AWFUL. I really thought he had moved past all that glitter and embellishing to excess. Apparently not. Next week, we'll see if Korto or Leann pull it off. I'm just not feeling Miss Kenley.

Anyway, heading off to get a life now.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Afternoon Delight...

I spent a wonderful afternoon with The Man. We did lunch at a local grille and then headed back to his house for a dvd and some "couple" time. It was great! We see each other several times a week and we have regular "date" nights, but I simply love it when we have quiet afternoons together. Sometimes we talk, sometimes we watch television, and sometimes we just nap like cats. It is always relaxing and just what I need when I need it. Today was no exception.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


That is the feeling I have been having all day after a very brief phone call with someone re: my new business venture.

Wow- I can't believe I am really moving forward.

I must be nuts to try and do this!

What happens if I fail?!

What happens if I never try?!

Fuck it- I've got to give it a shot!

So there you go. Still marching on. Actually starting to pick up some momentum.

OK- going back to my safe place to continue the freak out session, then gotta get in gear and do more stuff. LOL

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate Prep

I heard on the news this morning that Palin and Biden were prepping for the debates in very different ways.

Palin= cramming
Biden= the Socratic method

Cramming= rote memorization
Socratic method= the process of learning by asking questions

Cramming= short term information retention
Socratic method= elicits rational thinking and illuminates ideas

Cramming= recitation of facts
Socratic method= stimulating conversation

Cramming= what is
Socratic method= what could be

Why is this no surprise to me?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

ABC's The View...

is my new secret obsession.

I can't stand Elisabeth Hasselbeck's repetitive statements concerning McCain and Palin. Girlfriend really needs to grow up and get a broader world view. She is like a broken record:

1. McCain was in the military and can be commander-in-chief

2. Palin has run Alaska, so she is qualified to be VP and possibly Madame P

3. Obama does not have experience to run the country and she is very dismissive and disrespectful of what he has accomplished

She is full of the same old, same old, but no rational substance.

Whoopi, Joy, and Barbara spend too much time coddling Elisabeth so that she doesn't feel "beat up" on, but then she is allowed to continue to spout the same crap day after day. Although, I have to say that Joy has been throwing out some zingers lately that have been really on point, and occasionally shut E.H. up (yay Joy!)

And Sherri- well, I just think she is just happy to be at the table.

Today, though, for the first time since the new season started, Barbara TRULY called Elisabeth out and asked her to explain why she thinks Palin is such a good pick. And you know what she did? She asked Barbara why Obama should be president. I could not believe the insolence! But good ole Babs did not let her off the hook, and she gave the same old reasons we have heard since Palin was announced as the VP choice for the Richpublicans.

Good television is like a good book for me- I may not like the characters or what is going on, but if you can elicit an emotional response from me, I'm hooked. And thusly, if I can't be on the sofa from 11-12 Mon- Fri, then I am recording it so that I can watch it later.

I wonder what are they going to talk about after the election. If you haven't seen it, check out The View when you get a chance. LOL

It is Wednesday...

and I don't know how I got here. LOL. Things have been moving at lightening speed. Doing other people's crap. LOL

Today belongs to me.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Working on a Plan

I woke up this morning with a bug up my arse! These last six months of consulting have been great, and I will soldier on, but it's also time for me to start getting real with my own dreams. So, armed with some research, some thoughts sketched out, and my imagination, I am working on a business plan for life as a freelance writer.

I always thought that I would break into writing with the novel. It just seemed like a natural thing with the amount of fiction that I read. However, this last year or so has shown me a different possibility. That is not to say that I won't write a novel, it may end up just being part of my writing repertoire, instead of the whole thing.

George Clinton sang "Free your mind, and your ass will follow". Ain't that the truth. My mind is opening up to so many possibilities, so I am going to follow and see where it leads. I feel like I am embarking on an exciting journey. It's about time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Lack of Sleep

Because my Crackberry was undergoing an intensive diagnostic check until almost 2 am this morning, I have had only 4 hours of sleep. Now, for those who know me, they know that I am an 8 hour girl. All the time. But, Wednesday night I was up until after 2 reading and playing on the Internet. So, for the past two days, I have only had half of my normal sleep. And that is not good. I am bouncing from one thing to the next like a toddler all juiced up from sugar. Which means that I will probably crash and burn tonight around 8:00. In the meanttime, I am going to get as much mileage out of the craziness as possible. I am going to read the last 100 pages of The Pillars of the Earth, and then I am going to do some writing. Or I may go to a movie. Oh, maybe I'll hit the outlets 'cause I've been meaning to buy a new pair of black pumps. The possibilities are endless.

And if you end up getting a bunch of blog posts today, blame it on sleep deprivation.


T-Mobile bought out Suncom in the spring, and we were converted over on the 8th of this month. Since that time, my beloved Crackberry started acting like it was taking crack. Today, I had not received any email or text messages for over 12 hours!!! To say that I was upset is an understatement.

Anywho, when The Man left tonight, I thought I'd call T-Mobile to see what the deal was, complain, and also find out what it will cost to break my contract. I ended up paying my current bill on the phone with Automated Sally (don't know if that's her name, that's just what I call her) and then at the end requested Customer Service. After a 20 minute wait, I got put through to a nice young lady- didn't get her name. Told her my issues, and she immediately forwarded me to the Blackberry Dept. I think that's what she called it. I'm not sure. It is 2:00 am after all.

So, I end up on the phone with Christopher in New Mexico for 49 minutes and I have to say that I think he fixed the bugs that were ailing my baby Berry from the conversion. He talked me through stuff, explained stuff, sent test text and email messages, and when it looked like two of my email addresses weren't going to act right, told me to call RIM in the morning. I guess he could tell I was running on fumes. Must have been the slurring of my words. Anyway, just as I was about to shut my 'puter down for the night, the test messages for the two stubborn email addresses came in.

I told ya'll all of that to say that I appreciate good service when I get it, so I am sending a shout out to Christopher in New Mexico at the T-Mobile Blackberry call center. He was a doll. And the poor thing was sniffling the whole time because someone brought roses into work. That's just wrong! You know those call centers are just one big area with cubicles because you can hear other folks on the phone. But I digress.

I'm happy and now I am going to sleep. I hope to awaken to tons of email. Ciao!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall Breezes

This morning, I decided to open my windows and enjoy the wonderful fall breeze. It is awesome. I must admit, that in the land of more sunny days than not and 70 degree Decembers, I love, love, love a gray fall day. I love being wrapped in a throw with a cup of tea in my comfy chair. That is heaven on earth. And ironically, I am energized by it all. My morning has been productive, and my afternoon looks like more of the same. I am content with that. The introvert in me is looking forward to my winter hibernation. I get so much more done. LOL

What is your favorite time of the year?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

List Making

I am in a snit for several reasons. I'm PMSing. I haven't been writing like I want and need to because of work. My favorite jeans are a little snug. The tree in my front yard needs some serious pruning. I have a thirteen year old daughter. Since my thoughts are all over the place, I'll just give you a list of things on my mind.

Things that are pissing me off:
1. This screwed up economy and the need for a huge bailout.
2. The fact that George Bush is reading a speech to me right now.
3. Elizabeth Hasselbeck on The View.
4. Mean Girl behavior by 13 year olds who know nothing about life.
5. The fact that it will be getting dark earlier, even though I love fall.

Things that I am grateful for:
1. DIT and The Man and my friends. (Yes, she makes both lists- lol)
2. Books and reading.
3. Writing.
4. The new fall television season.
5. Freedom of speech.

I did two lists because I believe in the yin and yang of things. I am trying to ensure that I have balance. If I'm going to complain, then I need to express gratitude for the positive things in my life. At least, that is my plan.

What are you pissed about? And what are you grateful for?

Friday, September 12, 2008


I just wanted to let you guys know that I am now blogging weekly over at APOOO. Check it out when you get a chance and leave a comment or two. My post goes up every Friday. Gotta love it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back in the Saddle

My internet is up and I am back in the saddle. (Still having trouble with the desktop, but that's DIT's problem- lol- just kidding. The Man will keep working on it.) Gotta head to Columbia, in the rain, no less, but will be back this evening with plenty to discuss:

Lipstick on a pig comment for one, and the whole political scene as I see it right now. My blog, my opinions.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Internet Woes

Dear Blog,
I am so sad. My internet is acting up. The Man is going to try to fix it tomorrow. If that doesn't work, I am going to have to shell out the dough to get the computer folks to come to the house. Let's just hope this is a slow news week. If not, my thumbs are gonna be sore.

Big Sigh,
Southern Diva.
Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Blackberry Tricks

The application that I have been greatly anticipating is finally here: media sync between my Blackberry and my iTunes!!!!! Can you say heaven? Music and videos shared between my two favorite devices on the planet. What more could a Gadget Ho want? Thanks mucho Techno Gods. I can't wait to see what is next.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Much Ado About Nothing

I'm not sure what is going on in the political world today. A lot of reasons for that, but mostly the post-Hannah no-show aftermath, i.e. letdown. I spent all day in front of the boob tube (watching really doofus movies) because I had no energy for much else. See, The Man and I got all prepped for a storm- food, water, games, flashlights, you name it. We planned this big sleepover at his house (which is three miles from the beach, as opposed to hanging out in my cottage 25 miles from the coast- we're southerners, what can I say. If you want logic, go hang out somewhere else. Anyway...) with my girl and his niece and the two dogs. A great time was to be had by all.

So, we ate, we talked, we played games, they watched a movie while I read, and then we all went to sleep, in anticipation of the tropical storm. And what did we get? Wet. Just rain, very little wind. Not much else. Not even debris blown about. A regular late summer night's rain.

Now, I am really not complaining that nothing bad happened. I live in Charleston, for crying out loud, we are used to prepping for hurricanes. We leave when we have to, and when we don't have to, we huddle together and try to make the best of things. We have hurricane parties (like my friend Chanda did last night) and sleepovers (like we did) 'cause things are less scary when you are all together.

It was a lot of prep for nothing. A waste of my adrenaline. And for that we are very grateful.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

PMS and Politics

I am pmsing. That alone should cause people to flee for safety. Add politics to the mix and you have a very volatile situation. Palin's speech did my head in. What are the Richpublicans going to do about healthcare in this county? How about education? How about turning this fucked up economy around? Maybe when they stop tossing barbs at the Dems, then they'll put something together. I am going to go meditate so that I will be able to sit through McCain's speech tonight without destroying my own property. 61 days until the election. Pray for me.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A New GOP...

I daresay there is definitely a need for a Republican face lift, and try as they might, Sarah Palin is not going to be enough. There are many reasons why I am not a Republican, and there are many reasons why I am considering calling myself an Independent. Many elections have been a choice between lesser evils. I don't feel that this year, but I have in the past. Both parties need to look at what they do and why they do it. I scanned the crowd last night and it was no big surprise- lots of white males in business attire accompanied by their well-heeled women. A few minority sprinkles here and there- very few. When I think of Republicans, I think of people who are only looking out for themselves, usually well-connected financially and politically. As far as they are concerned, it's all about making more money for the family coffers, and the rest of the world be damned. If you don't like how they do business, they'll just send our military out after you. Making life better for everyone is not on their radar. It's every MAN for himself. Bring your wife along, especially if she has her own money. The rest of the world be damned. My blog, my opinions.

Check out this article on the Republican party.

Let me know what you think.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Moving Forward...

This week, I am embarking on the next phase. More writing for the web. More fiction writing. More, more, more, which requires necessary changes to keep up with the abundance.

I know this all sounds cryptic, but I'll give more details as events begin to unfold.

Now, I'm heading to read Pillars of the Earth. I'm only 190 pages in, and it's a BIG one.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Let The Games Begin...

Last night, I watched with pride as Barack Obama accepted the democratic nomination for president. There is nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, so I am not going to belabor the point.

On to John McCain and Sarah Palin.

WTF? Seriously. If I were a Republican female, I would feel pandered to. I would be sorely pissed off that he thinks all it will take to make me vote for him is a woman as his running mate. White male mentality at it's very best. I bet Romney and Lieberman are ready to spit fire.

But, I'm not a Republican, as if you couldn't tell already. So once I got over the initial shock, I got online and did some reading. And boy, have I been entertained today. Now, usually reading comments left on news websites and blogs makes me crazy. I'm always amazed at the hate and anger that people spew at one another. Folks no longer know how to engage in healthy debate. Today was no different, but amongst all the madness, there were two interesting points that I walked away with:

1. One writer stated that traditionally the presidential nominee selects someone who is strong where they are weak. In this case, McCain needed a "stunt double"-someone that the country could be comfortable with, knowing that if something happened to him, the VP would be able to take over the country in a seamless fashion. Obama, on the other hand, needed a "study buddy" or "tutor"- someone to sharpen his skills in areas where he is inexperienced. I wish I could remember where I read this, but I was all over the net today. Mea culpa. In the meantime, I think Obama hit it out of the park with his selection. McCain- not so much, but I still have much to learn about Palin.

2. The other interesting point that I kept coming across in reader's comments: when folks identified themselves as being from Alaska, they often warned readers not to sleep on Palin, or, in other words, underestimate her. Apparently her own party and the big oil guys have done so repeatedly, only to be defeated by her mercilessly. And this was the sentiment from those who were for her, as well as those who were against her.

With all that being said, this has been the most exciting presidential race for me in my 41 years. This beats sax-playing Bill on late-night television hands down.

I just hope that the Obama/Biden camp doesn't reign Biden in during the VP debates (you know, the old, don't hit a girl mindset) 'cause this chick is good with guns and she might flat blast him if he doesn't come out swinging. I'm just saying. The gloves are gonna have to come off for the Dems. Act like you want it.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday Thoughts...

So Hillary did it- made a great speech and challenged her folks to remember what it's all about. Yay! I just hope folks hear her and stop w/ the BS.

We get to hear from Joe Biden tonight (and we get to hear from his attractive attorney general son Beau- oh yeah).

And of course, Big Willy takes the stage tonight. Let's hope he behaves like a grown up- you know, follow his wife's example.

Of course, all this DNC watching means that I will have to record Project Runway and watch it tomorrow.

Which brings me to my final thought for the day- I can't FREAKIN' wait for the new tv season. I feel so shortchanged due to last year's writers strike. Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, Private Practice, CSI, Desperate Housewives, America's Next Top Model, The Game. I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.

Ok, this is really the final thought because I just thought of it- today I saw a couple of episodes of Living Single on Oxygen, and I swear, I felt like I had run into an old friend that I loved hanging out with and hadn't seen in years because life took us in different directions. I laughed at those folks just as loudly as I did all those years ago. When I was done (had to head to a birthday lunch, run some errands, and get my ass back home so that I could write before picking up the girl from volleyball tryouts), I realized how sad I was that there are so few shows about African Americans on television (I think The Game and Everybody Hates Chris are it. If there is more, please holla at me.) I loved Living Single because those were the stories of me and my friends. Who is telling our stories now?

Guess I better get back to work so that I can write things I like to read. I'm just saying.

9:30 Update: Bill brought his A game. I had flashbacks of 1992 and I now remember why folks fell in love with him. He reminded the Dems what we are supposed to be fighting for. But I noticed that near the end of his speech when he was giving accolades to the Obamas and the Bidens he sort of stumbled when he referred to Jill Biden as the "fabulous" Jill. I can't help but wonder if his mouth wanted to say "fine ass" Jill. I'm just saying. He is still Big Willy, afterall. OK, OK, I admit it- I crack myself up.

10:55 Update: In the south, we like to use the phrase "get it done". You always want someone on your team who can get it done. Joe Biden is that man in this election. His speech was not sexy by any means, but he got it done. He was on point by clearly outlining the the disasters of the last eight years and how John McCain will just continue the trend. Biden is scrappy, as evidenced by his childhood story of being sent back out to fight by his mom after coming home with a bloody nose so that he could hold his head up the next day in the neighborhood. Having grown up with a mother expressing the same sentiment, I can totally relate. Joe will be able to handle his business well. You know he gotta work 'cause he got a big family to take care of. LOL

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I Wanna Work for Diddy

I don't. I just want to watch the show. It's the Kim "Poprah" chick that has me fascinated. She must have studied Machiavelli's work because that girl has got some serious evil game. Her confessionals are crazy- that girl scares me. I believe she would cut her own mother to get that job.

The other thing about the show is this almost religious devotion to the elusive Sean Combs. It boggles the mind. I remember being starstruck with Prince and Michael Jackson (before he totally weirded out) in my twenties, and I can't say that Oprah doesn't bring out the fanatic in me, but not to the point where I would be running around buying her socks and applesauce. And has anybody stopped to wonder why Diddy has had so many assistants? I mean, they interviewed about four on last night's episode alone. I imagine that the burn out rate for being someone's lackey is very high.

Now, I'm not saying that the man may not need help, but sheesh, what exactly are these kids gonna learn about running their own business if their only job is to anticipate and care for his every need? That is not a mentor relationship, that is more of a sycophantic relationship. And these folks act like working for Diddy is going to be the Holy Grail for them professionally. Maybe it is, what do I know. I have never heard of any of the "former assistants" other than that Fonzworth dude, and it's not like I took him very seriously at all. Matter of fact, what ever happened to him with his plaid and the umbrella? Anybody seen him? Hello, anyone?

No matter. Like I said, I don't want to work for Diddy, but I will continue to check out the folks who do. It's all very entertaining.

And yes, I DVR all these reality shows so that I can watch them at my leisure, damn it! LOL

Monday, August 25, 2008

Democratic National Convention- pt 2

Thank God for C-SPAN. I can watch the convention without commentary and right wing bullshit. Of course, at the same time I'm surfing the net, CNN, ABC, CSMonitor, any and every website that may give me a different perspective. All it's doing is pissing me off though, every time a read a stupid ass comment from someone who claims to be a Hillary supporter and now they are going to vote for McCain. They are reminding me of middle school kids. This is a serious case of sour grapes. Hillary and Barack are so close in their ideas for this country, they are ALMOST indistinguishable on many points. If you truly support what Hillary stands for, you really feel that she would change the direction this country is headed in a way that is positive, opportunities being created for the many, instead of the few, why in the hell would you vote for someone on the opposite end of the political spectrum because your candidate did not get the nod? I'm just saying. You mean to tell me that people out there are going to vote against their own self-interests in order to prove a point to Barack? If that is the case, they will deserve everything they get. Dumb asses.

So, I'm just going to watch C-SPAN tonight. No more blog/website surfing, or the joy that I am experiencing watching history in the making (for real, not some political pundit's overuse of the term) will be marred by anger at the stupidity that abounds. If Barack had not gotten the nomination, my ass would be voting for Hillary, not some Republican who could give a shit whether my kid gets an education, or that I can afford to feed her, keep a roof over her head, or even have a job to meet these obligations to begin with. Maybe it's just me.

Democratic National Convention...

It starts today! That will be the only thing playing on the tube in my house this week. Oh to be in Denver right now. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pic of the day.

I took this pic with my Crackberry on my way to meet The Man and his niece for lunch. DIT and I laughed that it was a miracle I didn't drop my phone out the window. Of course, I'll be checking out the evening news. All jokes aside, I hope folks walked away from this.

Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

UPDATE: The driver of this truck was not injured, and no other persons or vehicles were involved. Yay! The driver will be cited for driving too fast for conditions.

Monday, August 18, 2008


I used to believe in luck. And I'm not saying that I don't, but I'm just not sure sometimes. What I do believe is that when you are ready to move in another direction, things will simply begin to happen. Seriously. There is so much positive going on for me right now that it is hard to keep track. OK, it's not really hard to keep track- I could run a tally right now if necessary. But the point is, I am on the cusp of some real life changing stuff. Actually, I'm not on the cusp, things are already in motion, and I am standing here with my mouth open trying to figure out what to do first. And this is just the beginning. Right now my recipe for change looks like this:

A leap of faith.

A bout of "Oh my God, what have I done?" even as you keep moving forward.

The thought that, ok, this isn't bad- maybe things will work out after all.

And then things start working out and more doors start opening up and you are left standing with your mouth hanging open at the sheer wonder of it all. Close your mouth and get moving, because there is more where that came from.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

By now, you guys know how this works. You receive an email with instructions, and you simply follow them. Sort of like Mission: Impossible for the blogosphere. So right now, I'm It thanks to my girl Yas. The tag is a list of current African American reads (07-09). Check out my list. There is some good reading to be had.

5 MUST Read Books:
Don’t Ever Tell by Brandon Massey
Them by Nathan McCall
Orange Mint and Honey by Carleen Brice
Yellow Moon by Jewell Parker Rhodes
Conception by Kalisha Buckhanon

5 Books on the Nightstand:
The Shadows by LA Banks
Pig Candy: Taking My Father South, Taking my Father Home Lise Funderburg
From Harvey River by Lorna Goodison
Stand the Storm by Breena Clarke
Trading Dreams at Midnight by Dianne McKinney Whetstone

5 Look For These Soon:
House at Sugar Beach by Helen Cooper
The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family
Midnight: A Gangster Love Story by Sister Souljah
Red Light, Green Light by Margaret Johnson-Hodge
The Ancestors by Brandon Massey, Tananarive Due, and LA Bank

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back To School

DIT came back from summer with her dad the last weekend in July, which left me with three and a half weeks to entertain her before school starts. Can you say enough already?

OK, it really hasn't been bad, but I am ready for the routine to start. I have spent way too much time trying to figure out ways to keep my thirteen year old busy. I'm running out of juice here. This afternoon, we are heading to get school supplies, and a couple of last minute clothing items that she probably really doesn't need, and then I'm done. They start school a week from tomorrow, and I can't wait. This is actually late for us, but thanks to a new state law, school can no longer start before the third Monday in August. Obviously, those politicians aren't parents who work from home. I need my space. And some quiet. There is a lot of singing and giggling in my house during the day, not to mention the mournful pluckings on her guitar. She can't decide if she wants to that bubbly chic Colby Calais or bluesy BB King. This has got to stop. I'm just saying.

Anybody else waiting for their kids to head back to school?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Quote of the day.

This morning, James Carville, noted strategist for the Democrats (especially during the Clinton heyday) was interviewed by Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America about the Edwards controversy. Always entertaining, and often irritating, Carville stated that sex and lies go together. But the best line in the interview was:

"I could be up against a brick wall, blindfolded, with a cigarette, and I will swear I didn't touch her!"

Now that is honesty. And the best quote of the day.
Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

Friday, August 8, 2008

Me and my Blackberry

Today ahs been pretty busy, but before I put my head on my pillow for some much needed slumber, I have to express my love and devotion for all things Blackberry. Today I added two apps: TVGuide (yes, you read that right) and Viigo (an RSS feed). So now, not only can I read the TVGuide gossip about my favorite shows and scroll through the listings to see what is coming on, I can also read my favorite blogs about my favorite shows and other topics. This is portable entertainment at it's best. Some days I wonder how I lived without this thing. Sigh.

BTW, it appears that RIM/Blackberry may have it's own version of a touch screen smart phone coming out! Don't you just love modern technology?

Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cleaning House...

A lot happens when you clean house, both emotionally and physically. I did some of both yesterday and surprise, surprise, I found my elusive writing journal that I started in 2002 that is like my security blanket. It was there all the time, but I was unable to acces it until I was willing to let go of some emotional and physical clutter.

That is definitely my lesson for the week.

Oh the places you will go (Suess)... when you learn to let it go (SouthernDiva).

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Project Runway

Before I could get my ass in gear and get those creative and professional juices flowing, I had to catch up on two weeks of Project Runway. I love that show, but I usually can't wait for the runway segment. I am always anticipating what the designers will come up with. Forget all that drama/schmarma. Ok, the drama is good too.

So here are my favorite lines from the last two episodes:

"Well(...), this was intense." Tim Gunn after the judging on the "Green" episode with Natalie Portman.

"Suede loves Tia. He could never change, so Suede is gonna keep Tia." Suede on the NYC Night Life episode.

"Give me three yards and let's bounce." Terri Stevens- NYC Night Life Episode

I know, you are probably questioning my sanity at this point. These were the right words, with the right inflection, at the right time. And so I wrote them down to share with you.

OK- playtime's over. Back to the grind. I may need some music to help me focus.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Passion for Words

Last night I watched The Great Debaters. Yes, I just got around to it. If I miss a movie when it's in the theaters, there is no telling when I will actually get to it after it's release on dvd. My favorite parts were the debates.

I love words- written and spoken.

My favorite movies are those with lots of dialogue (noire films from the 40s and 50s, anything with Katherine Hepburn, Betty Davis, or Joan Crawford, and let's not forget When Harry Met Sally- the action in that movie is the dialogue). Witty dialogue on tv draws me in- Grey's Anatomy, Californication, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Words bring me joy. It's one of the reasons I keep reading Toni Morrison- her words are music to me.

Just my random thought for the day.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Where has the time gone? It's August already and I feel like yesterday was the end of May. I'm beginning to sound like my mother. LOL

Monday, July 28, 2008


That's right. I caved. I joined Facebook this morning. Oh the pressure. My cutie brother has been telling me about it for months, but I didn't listen,he's in college and playing on the net is what he is supposed to be doing. And then yesterday my girls told me that they joined. So today, I decided to be a follower. LOL

Now I am going to spend all fucking day working on my page and getting DIT to take a million pics of me just so that I can find one to post. ROTFLMAO.

Right after I get back from the grocery store. The kid's home and the law says I've got to feed her.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


It has been a day, but very rewarding. You know that sense of accomplishment after a job well-done? That's what I'm feeling.

Now, time for bed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I'm prepping tonight for a really busy day tomorrow-it will start at 4:30 AM as I get on the road to head upstate for a training. No, I did not want to spend the night in the sticks. Just can't do it. LoL.

Anyway, all day I've been thinking about my favorite things. So, here is my current list:

My Blackberry
My iPod
My laptop
My dvr
Podcasts about writing
Grey's Anatomy (can't wait for Season 5)
Heroes- the television show (watched the entire two seasons this summer)
Cute skirts

I'm sure there is more, but I don't have the time. I'm off to shower and slumber. 4:30 gets here pretty fast.

Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

Monday, July 21, 2008

Starting Off With A Bang...

This morning I was out the door before 7:30. Yep. Tire had a nail in it, and I wanted to be serviced before noon. LOL. I was in by 7:33 and out by 8:08. And there were six people in line by the time I got there (the tire place opens at 7:30-lol). Anywho, thank goodness my issue was "minor".

From there it was breakfast, furniture shopping (trying to get DIT's room re-done before she returns on Saturday- yes, I have had two months, damn it!), a little self-indulgence (it was the last day of The Limited's 50% off clearance items-only happens twice a year, and I got really lucky- I got a great pair of khaki pants and matching jacket for 40 bucks, and lots and lots of shirts), some mall walking in anticipation of back-to-school shopping, dropped off some bills, and then grabbed lunch at MickeyD's(which I ate in the car and did not enjoy, ugh) and headed home to get started on the J-O-B stuff.

I was in the house a little before one, and immediately booted up the laptop, punched numbers in the Blackberry, and started multi-tasking like a mother. I got more done in two hours than I often do in a day or two.

This week is going to be busy for me. I've got some obligations with my consulting gig, and I have some self-imposed writing deadlines on the personal front. So far, I am definitely on the right track for getting all things completed.

Let's just hope my energy level can hold out. Either way, on Sunday I am having a Diva Day at the Beach with my local girls. From sun up to sun down. It is going to be on. I will definitely need the girl-time/bonding/hair letting down by then.

Holla back and tell me what's on your agenda for the week.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Thought for the week

What would you do if you knew you would not fail?

That question has been on my mind all week. What I have realized is that my list gets longer and longer the more I think about it.

Sent via BlackBerry from SunCom Wireless

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Today I Had A Migraine...

it started yesterday, and by last night, was full-blown. I wallowed in the bed most of today, but by 3:30, 4 I could take it no longer. Besides, The Man was getting hungry and we had no food in the house that we could mutually agree upon. LOL

After a long shower and fresh clothes, we headed to Chili's for grub. A short stint in Target, and it was back to the house.

I still have my migraine (to a much lesser degree) but it felt good to get out and about. A few months ago, I would have relished a day in bed, even in pain. Today, all I wanted was the pain to lessen enough for me to get moving. It's amazing how your response to life's events can change when you slow down and begin to live your life a little differently. I used to look at my migraines(when I was getting them a couple times a month) as a sign that I needed to slow down and get some rest, and now, since I haven't had one in several months, they are a biological nuisance that I can't control. I was just happy when I realized I had not had a migraine in months. Yay me. Maybe one day, they will be gone for good.

Happy Sunday. Back to the grind in the AM.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Mid-life Crisis

Is having a mid-life crisis really so bad? I'm just wondering.

When a man has starts grappling with aging, he usually gets a divorce from the woman who supported him on the way up to the top, obtains a new trophy wife and a red shiny penis-mobile, and ends up with a strained relationship with his children from his previous marriage while add more kids to his lineage with The Second Wife.

What does a woman do when she has a mid-life crisis? Um- she usually leaves her job in corporate America and decides to start her own business or a private non-profit to do her part save the world. She begins to take better care of herself, maybe has a makeover or sheds a few pounds. She begins to spend more time with her friends and family, speaks her mind, and simply begins living life on her terms.

Wow- I guess a mid-life crisis ain't so bad- if you are a woman. LOL

Just something I was thinking about. What do you think?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Writing Gods...

Must be really pissed off with me because this morning I searched for some notes I wrote last week for 30 minutes before I found them. I have either gotten on my Muse's one good nerve for being unorganized, or I need an assistant. Since I don't have it like that- the assistant will be something that I strive for. LOL.

I have been at Atlanta Bread Company for a couple of hours this morning because we are having internet issues at home (the new modem from AT&T should be there by the time I get back). I am really proud of the work I got done this morning. It was work work, so this afternoon, it's writing work for me.

On another note, shame on Jesse Jackson. I mean really. To talk about cutting off another man's nuts on national television. I don't care if you did think the cameras weren't rolling. Always assume the mikes are on and the cameras are still rolling. How many people has this already happened to (George W, Bill C, and more) before politicians will learn to keep their traps shut until they are out of the studio, off the phone, etc. Just me shaking my head at the stupidity of it all.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

ARGH! Modern Technology

This morning would have been a good time to get some work done. Took the car in for service. Brought the laptop and Blackberry along- you know, the tools of my trade. Instead of working, I decided that surfing the net and finding things to download to the beloved Crackberry would be more fun. Not like I need any extra distractions.

After wasting what amounts to about 1.5 hours of my precious work time, I'm now off to meet a friend for lunch.

If this ain't the life, I don't know what it. ROTFLMAO. Not to worry, I will get my ass in gear this afternoon. Right after I go to the gym. Seriously, I will. LOL

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Didn't Do It...

Have my picture taken, that is. I was too busy going to the movies (Angelina is a bad-ass biyatch in Wanted, and Hancok was ok). Spent plenty of time chilling and reading. And that's it.

Gotta shake off this vacation mentality and get back to writing and such.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Taking Pictures

I hate, hate, hate having my picture taken. But, I've decided that it is a necessary evil, something I must do for my blog. Why, you ask?

I don't know. Just because.

No really, for some reason, I feel like I know the person who's blog I'm reading with a religious fervor if there is an actual photo of them. It's like we are pals, just sitting around shooting the shit.

Of course, my rational mind reminds me that unless the person is well-known, you don't really know if it's them or not. There are lots of fakers out here on the Internet. Too bad for them. I am not in that crowd.

So, The Man will be tasked with taking my picture all weekend long until I find one suitable for posting. He doesn't know this yet, but I imagine he'll find out when he reads this post.

So those are my big plans for the 4th. What will you be doing?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Milwaukee was a blast. Way better than I ever expected. But, as much as I love traveling, I love coming home even more. I love walking into familiar surroundings and sighing. And that is exactly what I did when I got home at one-ish this morning. Actually didn't want to leave the house today, but had to get food. You know how that is.

I'm planning for a busy week, lots of writing, lots of reading, a moderate amount of work, and of course, blogging. Hasta luego. (I hope that's correct. My Spanish is pretty crappy after years of non-use.)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pork pic2.jpg

This sign was in the parking lot at the rib place where we had dinner. It cracked me up because my mind went straight to the gutter.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Ok ya'll. I'm on the road again. This time it's Mid-America for a little R&R with The Man and his family. So far, so good. The lakefront is absolutely fabulous. Who knew? LoL

So, we are sitting at Uno's enjoy the rest of our food when our server starts telling us why he only had an hour and a half of sleep the night before. To keep it simple- his ex- girlfriend whom he is still living with but they have broken up was upset ab out his current girlfriend and she took off and no one knew where she was and he went looking for her when he should have been cleaning office buildings for his second gig and his girlfriend was pissed that he was out looking for his ex. Got it? I have three other witnesses. I do not make this shit up. LoL. And that was just day one. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Enjoy the pic of the Milwaukee Art Museum. We spent a couple of hours there this afternoon. If I can't figure out how to get it in this email, I will send it in another.

More to come!
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Monday, June 23, 2008


Today turned out to be one of those "angry" days. I expected something to happen, and it didn't, and so my level of pissivity rose. Not an all time high, but pretty high nonetheless. And when you are pissed, you can do one of two things. Wallow in you pissy-ness, or move on.

In an effort to move on, I decided that I really need to get down and dirty with some writing today. I have not been on the writing J-O-B the way I would like. I mean, I have been making notes here and there, arranging and re-arranging my writing gear, and lots and lots of "pre-writing" in my head. So, on my way home, and thusly to my laptop, I pondered what motivates people. Today, the control freak in me is so mad about not being able to control a certain event that I immediately look for something that I can control- my writing. And that led me to thinking about where other people find their motivation. (I know this is scary insight as to how my mind works, but hey- we all got something. I just happened to get some of my best work done when I'm mad about something else. At least it's productive. LOL)

Is it the Scarlett O'Hara Syndrome that motivates you? You know, her declaration of: "As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again!" Personally, it's a favorite of mine. Even though I've never really been "hungry" the way she means. I don't want to work for anyone else ever again. And I need lots of moolah to make sure that does not have to happen. LOL

Any "I am my work" people out there? They so readily identify with WHAT they do for a living, it is almost indistinguishable from who they are.

How about the Good Samaritans? It's important to do good, be of service, help all mankind and all of that. Oh yeah, and let's save the planet while we're at it.

And let us not forget those motivated by the Almighty Dollar (a category in which I occasionally fall). Unless you are a Bush relative with some stock in their Texas oil company (don't act like ya'll forgot their asses are oil barons. Why do you think Congress has been unable to hit the US oil companies up for some of that loot they have been pulling down- in record breaking numbers, I might add. The current Prez is an oil man from Texas. Sheesh- am I the only one who remembers this stuff?) you know that you need to get your hustle on to ride the current economic wave in this country. And it's a rough ride for many.

As for me, staying self-employed is a must. I'm motivated by the freedom I have as much as the money. After ten weeks of this life, seven which have been full-time, I can't see going back to the same old, same old. But I also know that I have to have an approach that is multi-faceted. So that means, I've got to go write.

What motivates you professionally?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pic Test

I took this pic with the Crackberry in Baltimore. Just testing my mobile blogging limits. :-)

Mobile Blogging

This is a test of my mobile blogging abilities. If this thing works, you guys can forget about peace and quiet for awhile. ROTFLMAO @ myself.

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I'm working on setting one. Seriously. Right after I get back from Wisconsin. I'm leaving Wednesday to visit Milwaukee with The Man and hang with his family. I've already got a list of places to see, things to do, and restaurants to chow down at. You know how it is. We'll be back in ChuckTown late Saturday night.

And, as you know from my previous travel experiences, I am sure I will have plenty of tales to tell.

Actually going to spend some time perusing blogger today so that I can figure out how to blog from the beloved Crackberry. Once I do that, it will be on and popping!!

Happy Sunday.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I thought this was funny as hell...

This is the video I wanted you guys to see. It's actually a commercial.

Super Pissed...

Been screwing around on blogger for a while tonight because I wanted to add a you tube video, and I can't get the video to upload into the post the way it should. And I have followed all the directions. And I have done this shit before. UGH. Maybe I need to go read a book or write.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I'm loving this work from home thing. Meetings a couple of times a week, lots of conference calling and email. It's freakin' fabulous. Except when I have to change my schedule.

I'm not so good on the flexibility thing. Never have been. It's a wonder that I've made it these 41 years without major incident. I want what I want, when I want it. Sound like a toddler? Then you've got me pegged.

It's just that once I write something in my agenda, or log it in my Crackberry, I don't want any changes. (An yes, I still use paper- Damn it!) Yesterday during lunch and between meetings, I planned out what I was going to do for the rest of the week- especially today. It involved lots of housecleaning stuff. I won't bore you with the details. And by 6:00 pm I got a call from director of the program I consult for asking me to take care of a critical issue for her. Yes, it is much easier for me to handle since I am in the state. Yes, I get paid for every minute I talk to someone about work, let alone actually work, but see, I had these housecleaning plans, and I really don't need any excuse not to do housework.

Sigh, so, one thing led to another, and I found myself having to scrap the plans for today all together.

I know at this point you are probably wondering what the hell I'm whining about, I can just reschedule the cleaning for tomorrow. Yeah, but tomorrow was supposed to be a fun reading day for me, and Friday was going to be all about me wandering the library and bookshelves. The weekends belong to The Man 'cause DIT is gone for the summer.

Hard life, I know. Actually, I'll probably just end up working and writing. And to be honest, that is really not a bad thing. Two things I am really enjoying right now.

Got to jet for a conference call in two minutes. Anybody with flexibility issues out there, hit me up. We can commiserate together.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Interesting Op-Ed on Hillary

I was perusing one of my favs- The New York Times- and here is an interesting piece re: Clinton by Maureen Dowd.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Here We Go Again...

The first three and a half months of this year, I was in the gym on the regular. And then things changed for me professionally, and my exercise regimen got kicked to the curb.

As of tomorrow, I'm at it again. My plan is to lose 15 pounds by July 31st. I've got to give myself a deadline or it won't ever happen. Why 15 pounds? Because that will get me to the weight on my driver's license, which I haven't been for the last six years or so. Sigh.

Alas, running won't be a part of the plan right now. My left calf has decided to act like a byatch, and my left shin is sort of cranky. The jerks. At least my right hamstring has decided to act right. Who knew all these body parts would object to running at once. LOL

Anyway, I'm keeping it simple for the stupid (namely me). As of tomorrow, I intend to walk our bridge (which has a pedestrian path, as well as a bike path) EVERYDAY for the next six weeks. The walking path on the bridge is like 2.75 miles one way. Yeah- I know. But what can you do. Maybe my body is acting bitchy because it's tired of carrying these extra pounds. Sigh. I will also do yoga or Pilates every other day to stay limber and get in some good stretching. I'll get back in the gym for strength training the first of August. 'Cause once a sista drops the weight, she better tone the rest of it up. LOL

Why walking, you ask? Because it's easy. Seriously, it's as simple as that. And with my iPod, I'm in heaven. Music or podcasts- it don't matter to me. Whoever came up with the idea for that fabulous device should be crowned King (or Queen) of the World!!! (At least for a day).

Anybody out there got any tips for entertaining myself for about an hour+ a day in a portable way- holla at me.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

More Nasty Natti Out-takes

Ok ya'll, I gave Obama a separate post, but I could not let this day go by without giving you more true stories from The Natti Travels.

So, it's 5:19 this morning and I'm in a van being shuttled to the airport to begin my journey back to ChuckTown. Things start off innocently enough- two white males and myself being driven by a very talkative Cincinatti driver (white male) originally from New Jersey. It's cool. I'm good at tuning people out. Until he began to go into his verbal dissertation about why OJ Simpson is innocent. Uh- what the fuck? All I know is he started out talking about meeting his ex-wife at the grocery store, and the next thing I heard, was why OJ did not kill Nicole and how the forensics proved it and they didn't even need a trial. Stop laughing. I wish that my imagination were as good as the real life shit I come across. I really do. Of course there was dead silence in the van. What could anyone say. Funny thing is, the guy didn't even notice. Just went on to the next subject.

And then I get to Charlotte. I made for the restroom near my gate 'cause I needed to go. I'm taking a whiz when this booming voice announces:

"Good morning ladies. My name is Miss Mae and I'm the person who is responsible for keeping this restroom clean. I just wanted to ask that while ya'll are in the sky on those planes and traveling around, ya'll just remember Miss Mae and how hard she works. Ya'll have a good day."

So I finish my business and start washing my hands. And I notice that once again, aside from Miss Mae, I am the only person of color present. I looked around and noticed that indeed this restroom is one of the cleanest public restrooms I've been in. Hmmm. So, as I walked by Miss Mae, I told her thank you, and wished her a good day as well. And as I made my way to my gate, I offered up a prayer of blessings for Miss Mae 'cause all she wanted was someone to notice her hard work.

I think I am going to get my best material from airports, hotels, and restaurants. I'm just saying.

Anyway, holla at a sista when you get a chance.

Obama Did It...

Today is a good day.

Last night I was so filled with joy, awe, and wonder. And most importantly, I was filled with hope for the future.

Obama has a hard road ahead of him leading to November, but I will be documenting and commenting along the way.

Today, I am bursting with pride, and it is a wonderful thing.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Against All Odds 2008 Virtual Book Tour

From Dawn to Dusk
Niambi Davis
Parker Publishing, May 1st, 2008
$10.95 US; ISBN-10: 1600430368

Meet Bilal and Ayo, two people who are polar opposites in every way. He’s 32 and she’s 42. Bilal is ready to get married and start a family. Ayo, on the other hand, is a comfortably relaxed, in- her own skin widow with a 20 year old son. And she's certain her child-bearing days are over. Bilal is Muslim, and Ayo is most certainly not. Neither Bilal's father, nor Ayo's son are too happy about the relationship. These two, having nothing in common, would struggle to even hold a conversation, much less fall in love? And after their disastrous first encounter, you’d think it was impossible. Or is it?

Niambi Brown Davis, debut author of From Dawn to Dusk, has asked me this question, "Which of these issues - older woman/younger man, different faiths, disgruntled family members, late in life motherhood/infertility issues - has the potential to wreck the most havoc on Ayo and Bilal's relationship and keep them from walking down the aisle?"

Now, of course, you know that being the Diva that I am, I was more than up for the challenge. So, check out my heartfelt response below and watch how a Southern Diva smoothly sets the stage and then exits.


Tina Turner asked the world "What's love got to do with it?" in the 80's. It became a mantra for many. She must have been talking about Ayo and Bilal. I'm mean really, how could she not have been? Getting to the love is just a small part of what these two characters have to deal with.

How about being on opposite ends of the spectrum on just about everything?

She: 42
He: 32
(Ok-not OPPOSITE ends of the spectrum, but a serious gap, at least)

She: Christian
He: Muslim

She: Has an adult child who ain't trying to hear no mess about his mama and some man
He: Has a daddy who ain't trying to hear no mess about his child and some cougar

She: Not sure if she can have anymore children
He: Definitely wants kids

So, what is the biggest obstacle in this relationship? What will keep them from getting across the broom?

Age ain't nothing but a number. But they have to make the decision to not let it get in the way.

Religion is a way to express spirituality. They have to make the decision to respect one another's beliefs.

While their respective family members may not like the person they are choosing to spend the rest of their lives with, Ayo and Bilal have to make the decision to live their own lives and be true to themselves.

As for children, they need to know what their options are and decide upon a course of action.

In short, the biggest obstacle to this relationship is not fully committing to it in every way. Falling in love is the easy part. Deciding to live life on your own terms- now that's a whole 'nother ball game.